What to Expect and How to Prepare on your First Day of a New Job

5 min read,

You have now gotten yourself into the door, past the interview process and have been hired as a new employee. It’s your first day on the new job, there are so many possibilities, new responsibilities and you are treading through the unknown.  The unknown of a new job or internship can be quite uncomfortable for many new employees, so what can you do to eliminate some of your nerves?

Ring the alarm, you deserve an applause!

The first thing to remember when starting your new position is that you, yes… YOU, got hired! The company reviewed your resume, interviewed you, asked you questions that you coherently responded to and through these steps you proved yourself to be the right candidate for the job.

Take that confidence and put it in your pocket for your first day on the job.

Small fish, big pond…just keep swimming.

At any entry-level job, unless you’re Einstein, one could assume that the expectation level is quite low of you, you could even say being in a state of cluelessness to be standard for each new employee. You have the skills, again, you did get hired, but remember that your first few days, even weeks you could be in training depending on the job.

Unless you spit big game in the interview bragging about things you can do, and be expected to show off those talents on the first day.

For an internship, you are there to learn from the company and put your skills that you’ve developed through school and other training to use. You won’t be given any large project without supervision.

So, simmer down, everything is going to go swimmingly. Even after multiple jobs and numerous first days, it’s okay to not know all the answers and to feel like a small fish in a big pond.

What to wear?

Now that you have done your breathing exercises to lower your heart rate before the first day, all that is left is to get ready, easy enough.

Again, this depends on where you are working. If you are jumping into a professional setting, a safe bet would always be something clean cut, appropriate and did I mention clean? On your first day, you don’t want to be giving off scented clues that your shirt was worn in a smoky bar a couple of nights ago or that your red stain on your shirt was in fact from a burger with ketchup from yesterday’s lunch.

Let’s go back to appropriate though. Any two people can have a different idea as to what “appropriate” is. To find some common ground lets agree that, a belt should hold up your pants, your skirt be at fingertip length and your cleavage be kept for your Thursday night tango lessons.

Dress to impress, being overdressed is better than feeling uncomfortable because your blue jeans aren’t blending in with the array of slacks circling the office.

What to bring?

A simple suggestion of what to bring on your first day on the new job would be anything you take to go out for a lunch and things you need at the library when you are getting some work done. This includes money, laptop, pens, notebook and a snack. Of course there are more things that you can bring, but those can be seen as the last minute, “I think I might want this” things.

Important items to remember can be anything you don’t want to have to ask someone to borrow. Not having a pen and paper can make you seem unprepared and you would rather be the person offering others than asking for something for yourself.

The most important thing? Consistency and Authenticity

Let’s reflect. There isn’t anything out of the ordinary to remember your first day on the new job, apart from putting your shoes on the right feet and brushing your teeth, all you need to do is remain exactly the way you are.

No one is asking you to embellish yourself to fit a certain mold or stereotype.

Again, you got hired for who you are and the way that you have chosen to brand yourself. Remaining constant with your personal brand from the moment you walk in to work on your first day to your last day should be one of your top priorities.

The best way to brand yourself is to use your natural talents and creativity to be YOU. For your online brand? There is always .ME to add that extra touch of originality.

Shine bright like a Diamond

There is an endless amount of preparation that you can do to avoid turning your first day into a stress-fest. If you had to pick one thing to prepare, it should be confidence in yourself.

Even if you forget your lucky pen the world is still is going to go round. Mistakes happen, so roll with the punches and let this new beginning be the best part of your week!

What is one thing that you always bring on your first day at a new job?

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