Not A List Maker? Here is A List Of Reasons For List Making

4 min read,

Editor’s note: Since writing this article, Weblist.ME started to be used by a new .MEr. We look forward to seeing just what they will accomplish! However, you can read our story about a similar .MEr here.


Grocery lists, christmas lists, shopping lists… Lists are everywhere and we love or hate to make them, but we make them nonetheless. Why? The answer is simple: they help us. They’re our backup plan in the case our memories gets flakey. And if you are anything like the author of this text, you’ll need a list for just about anything longer than five items. So what about bringing lists into the 21st century? Well, here is Weblist.Me. is completely free interactive content sharing site. You can make a list of anything you want and it can include pictures, videos, documents, web pages, files and texts. Registration isn’t necessary for making the list, however, it is if you want to edit it- luckily, it doesn’t take much time. The service is free and it allows you to share your list as a customizable homepage, or a bookmark for personal use. Registration will also help you keep all your lists in one place and easily accessible. Making lists is easy, just like using Weblist.Me. But just in case you are not convinced that you can benefit from compulsive list-making, we’re here to prove you wrong:

1. Supporting Our Memory

to do list Some argue that list-making makes our memories shaky. Yes, the secure fallback on the list can make our memories go lazy from time to time, but benefits are numerous. Everybody has an occasional lapse in the memory and lists can help us in to fill in the gaps in those moments. Also, if you make regular lists, they can train your memories and those more efficient among us will soon you make them in their heads without any visual cues.

2. Simplification, Gratification, Organization

When you take a glance at your list, you will get straight to the point. There will be no long explanations why a certain item is there, because lists are self-explanatory. They are instant reminders and often they seem like the list maker knows something that, we list readers, don’t. They can be easily edited, updated and items can be mercilessly crossed off it without any sacrifice of the integrity of the rest of the items. Left brain order gratification? Guaranteed.

3. Personality Check

We humans are fickle beings but we also don’t like uncertainty, unless we are watching the latest Hollywood thriller. By writing down our obligations, we’ll make them unavoidable. Soon it will be crystal clearđ what we do and don’t like and how effective are we in doing them. Maybe you’ll discover that you are more efficient, or maybe even greater procrastinator that you thought you were. Either way, you can learn how to prioritize according to your personality.

4. Opportunity to Discuss

bucket list Very often you can find a list that you agree with, or just the opposite, disagree. Sometimes you just don’t like the parts of the list. Usually those are “Top X of the Y topic” and boy, do we get invested in lists that speak to our passion. They give us a sense of progression and if they are video lists, sense of suspense and excitement. Who didn’t make any bets with themselves while watching a list countdown? As we though, no raised hands.

5. Instant Knowledge

Lists can be a great crash course on some topic. With a great headline, ten minutes later you can be an instant expert about hip-hop, black holes, Napoleon or best baby names. They can be quickly scanned so you can get a footnote version of something that is already short and concise. Bite sized facts and insights are much more easily digested than a mouthful article. In an information overload, lists are helpful simplification that make sense. Weblist.Me is simple and easy to use list maker, just like the lists should be. So if you are still not convinced that making lists is for you, go back to the list item number 3 and make your list to find out if you need to make a list. Whew, say that sentence fast three times in a row!

Content Writer, Freelancer