WebFest.ME Awards 2012 Announces the Finalists for all the Categories

WebFest.ME Awards is the hottest Internet conference in the region, and one of its parts – WebFest.ME Awards is coming to an end. The competition was split in two parts: (1) application part and (2) voting period. Applying for the competition was closed on October 15th and voting lasted until November 10th.
The voting was done both by members of the Official WebFest.ME Jury and general public. Now that the votes were counted, we have our finalists!
The finalists
In the category of Sports Websites, we have: sportal.rs, sport.blic.rs, sportske.net, zurnal.rs and b92.net/sport. For Blogs, our finalists are: mooshema.com, ftw.rs, eniax.net, sandrakravitz.com and draganvaragic.com/blog. Fashion Website finalists are: wannabemagazine.com, zorannah.com, modnivrisak.com, sml.rs and fashion.hr. For the best News Website, the finalist are the following five: blic.rs, b92.net, pressonline.rs, klix.ba and 24sata.hr.
The winner of the Funny Website category could be tarzanija.com, njuz.net, vukajlija.com, tracara.com or story.hr. When it comes to Culture/Art, the final five are: seecult.org, exitfest.org, port.hr, belgradedesignweek.com and fest.rs. Top 5 Educational Websites are: trcanje.rs, kliknibezbedno.rs, najstudent.com, zivotinje.rs and ucislobodno.com. When it comes to E-Commerce, the award might go to limundo.com, tehnomanija.rs, grupovina.rs, aerogaga.com or donesi.com.
Moving away from website themes, in Visual Design category we have morphix.si, istudio.hr, relogik.com, webarena.rs and resonate.io. We are finally arriving to two most expected categories: Facebook Applications and Mobile Applications! For Facebook Apps, the finalists are: Top eleven, Ledonardo, Slagalica, LG Movie Fan and Iskon memory. The Mobile Apps category came down to the final five which are: toshl.com, backway.me, codeanywhere.net, taksiko.com and olimpijac.rs.
Explore the finalists!
We invite you to look into the finalists and try to decide who you would give the award to. For example, in Mobile Apps category you might have already read about Backway.ME on our blog, but did you ever try out CodeAnywere? It is a tool that will allow you to login with any computer or smartphone, and all your servers (FTP, SFTP and Dropbox), files, everything is waiting for you.
Olimpijac is an iOS and Android game you could get for free from the respective app stores. It was build as a quiz that helps you wait for the Olympic Games in London to start. The games have, obviously, passed, but you can still play the game! Taksiko is an application used for getting a cab, but currently you can only use it if you need a cab for Belgrade, Serbia. If you need help with your finance, you can try out Toshl to track your expenses. This mobile app is available on four platforms (Symbian and Windows Phone 7, next to the obvious iOS/Android).
This is a short overview of the finalists in only one category, but you should take some time and see who you would vote for the winner. Pick a category and explore the websites/apps, especially the ones you are not familiar with yet! You might find a new favourite here. 🙂
Grand Prix Web Fest Statuette
Classical Web Fest Statuette is the award every category winner will take home after WebFest.Me Awards ends. The statuette is made of the predominantly yellow colored metal on the black marble base. The statuette, which weights slightly less than 2.5 pounds, was introduced in 2007. at the first WebFest. The design is meant to convey a sense of importance and value of what the winners have achieved. It was designed by Vladimir Stanojlović – Kile, one of the founders and creators of Web Fest.
The winners of this beautiful award will be announced on the final gala night! Who do you think should carry one of these babies off the stage?