Web Fest .Me Awards the Best Websites in Southeastern Europe

3 min read,

Last week Web Fest .Me awarded the best websites in Southeastern Europe including the Montenegrin National Parks website (Nparkovi.me) and the web service Dovezi.me. Supported by the .Me domain, Web Fest .Me is the biggest conference in the region that awards web excellence. What’s more important, it has grown in both scope and reputation since its launch in 2007.

The award ceremony was also a big hit – web professionals flocked in to both receive their awards and mingle with like-minded people who want to talk about the web and its future. We even had a Beatles tribute band perform on stage! 🙂

Packed with (web) people (Photo by: Nadlanu.com)

The awards were given in 21 categories, including blogs, news websites and mobile applications. Although Web Fest was started in the Serbian web market, it has expanded to include Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia etc. Since web surfers across the region can read and do visit their neighbors’ websites , the winners of Web Fest .Me 2011. come from all around:

Web Fest’s Winners for 2011.

The Grand Prix awards were given to:

  • Grand Prix of the award committee – Njuz.net, a parody news websites;
  • Grand Prix of the audience – Dodirnime, a community website.

Winners as voted by the award committee:

Special awards of Web Fest .Me went to:

Congratulations to the winners from the .Me team and, in case you did not attend:)), don’t forget to check out how the Web Fest .Me conference in Budva went with guests such as About.me’s Tony Conrad and WordPress’ Matt Mullenweg. With the end of 2011 near, it’s time to start your next web project for 2012. Who knows, you might end up in our article about the Web Fest .Me 2012. awards!