How to Use Google+ for Personal Branding

4 min read,

Becoming digitally recognizable is hard. Even more so in a world filled with the countless options of online social networks. Here is how to redefine yourself on Google+ and make the most use of the social network affiliated with the world’s largest and most powerful search engine.

1. Optimize your profile

Completing all of the basic profile information is key to creating your presence on any network. Your profile is the easiest way for people to identify you, so make sure it’s filled in with all relevant information, such as your Basic information, your work history, etc. You should consider every field in your Google+ profile an opportunity to build on your personal brand and send a message to your connections about who you are and what you know.

Start with writing a summary using key words about yourself and your business. Also, do not forget to give some tidbits about your interests, while still keeping it professional of course. After all, hobbies are what connects you with other people – it is the easiest subject to start a conversation on.

Remember that your profile picture is very important. Even though a picture of your cute cat or your children is nice, people want to see who you are, to identify you. A professional head shot of yourself, not some photo-stock pic, will gain you trust from other users. That is what personal branding is all about after all. A real photo emphasizes the feeling of a real person behind a brand, especially a personal brand. It is all about trust.

Talking about becoming digitally recognizable, don’t forget to link your other social networks profiles, websites, YouTube channel, etc.

Example of personal branding on Google+

 2. Circles

Content is king, we can all agree on that one. But it is just as important to choose the right audience for the content of choice. The easiest way of doing so on Google+ is to use Circles. It is a plain and simple function of categorizing your contacts. Just like in real life, you can have separate conversations with your friends, family, business partners, acquaintances, etc.

My circles are divided by my interests and people that share them. For example, with my social media colleagues I share latest news from the industry and in that way I try to position myself as a thought leader.

With Circles you can create content of high relevance for a particular group of people and chose to show it to them.

3. Hangouts

Google hangouts have many interesting features which can be used for engaging your followers. Hangouts has made a step forward, compared to chat rooms from the 90s, with their video and audio components, which is why more and more people use Google Hangouts instead of Skype for check-in meetings with their clients.

If you want to take your thought leadership to the next level you can consider giving a free webinar or organizing an open discussion on the latest industry trends with members of particular Circles.  Interested viewers can watch your Hangout from your Google+ or your YouTube channel, or any other web site where the video can be embedded.

Example of using hangouts

4. Vanity URL

You want your online presence to be uniform in order for people to easily recognize you. For that matter, Google+ lets you customize your URL address. Now, you can get a shorter URL than the default one Google issued you. Instead of showing something disturbing like this

you can use something that looks more awesome 🙂

For getting your customized URL for your profile just follow these simple instructions:

  1. From Google+ main menu go to Your Profile
  2. Switch to About tab and click Get URL under Links -> Google+ URL
  3. You might be asked to verify your account using your mobile phone number

It’s important to remember that once you change your URL, there is no second chance. You cannot change it again, so choose wisely!

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Also, do not forget to follow us on Google+.

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Community manager, Me-Net