Tvitni.Me: Unique Serbian Service Which Let’s Its Users Learn Everything About Twitter

3 min read,

A lot of people may not know, but Serbians are among the most avid Twitter users in the Europe! It all started a few years ago when local twitter communities started organizing tweetups. From that point on nothing was quite the same. More and more people flocked to this social network, and it didn’t take long for the rest of the society to find out what the next big thing was.

Today there are approximately 400,000 twitter accounts registered in Serbia. Some 250,000 are active and discussions that are started on this social network echo throughout the mainstream media. Both online and media got the hang of Twitter and are now using it to follow different politicians, sportsman and celebrities. It is not rare to see one’s tweet on the front page of the newspapers.

Although there is a lot of Kardasihan-like behavior on Serbia’s Twitter scene, some people have managed to stay away from all the gossip and tabloids and actually use the service for their business or informational purposes.

So, You Are a Beginner at This?

Tvitni.Me, a unique service which was created in the last couple of months, aims to promote the use of Twitter both in Serbia and in the region. Due to a fact that this social network is etched in every aspect of public life, founders knew that it was important for the new users to learn everything they need to know about Twitter.

The website is divided into several different categories, first being the address book. People can browse through a list where they can see several hundred active users whose tweets are very popular among the community. Let’s say a new user opens an account. Without prior knowledge, he or she probably won’t know anything about influential tweeters who gained huge audiences based on their thoughts.

Second cool feature about this service is the business address book. It alphabetically sorts all the business accounts and divides them into different categories. This comes in handy when you’re looking for a specific account – whether it’s city, theater, politician or an account that tweets about marketing, will have a category for you.

Users are also able to inform themselves on the topic of hashtags. These words with prefix # serve as special channels through which Twitter users can follow tweets that contain a specific word. When an earthquake stroke central Serbia in 2010, people first came to Twitter to what exactly is going on. Through hashtags people were able to follow the news feed in real time, and since then more and more people are preferring hashtags over traditional media.

If you are an English speaking person, this service probably won’t mean to much to you, but it represents an amazing concept for the Balkans. It gives the novice an opportunity to find everything there is to know about Twitter. Who knows, maybe this novice will be the future opinion maker on this same exact social network!