Turning a Sweet Dream into Reality: The Journey of Sweets 4 Me

7 min read,

If you’re looking for a sweet table, a wedding cake, or just a dessert of any kind, don’t walk – run to Nevena (Nina) Gajić and her Sweets 4 Me!

From the Balkans to the USA, from a law shark to a successful cake business owner –  Nina will show you what dreams are made of. And in this case, they are made out of sugar. With courage and love sprinkled on top. 

Because that’s what it takes to leave everything behind and start following your passion. Not only doing it as a hobby (although that is just fine too) – but making a career out of it and turning it into a thriving business.

They say that fortune favors the bold, and this .MEr surely proves it. 

A Sweet Beginning 

Remember when you were little and you would come home from a long day at school and the smell of freshly made cookies would just swipe you off your feet?

It’s not just about food. It’s about love, connection, and dedication that go into making it.

Or when your mom would make you a birthday cake and you’d get to eat the remainings of the filling? Or when you decided to make muffins for the first time, and to your surprise, they turned out spectacularly well? 

The taste, the smell, and the texture would just fill you with such happiness and joy, and it’s not just because of the food. It’s because of everything that comes with it. It’s about love, connection, and dedication that go into making it. 

While this might not be a universal experience, it was definitely mine. And it was Nina’s too. 

You know that scene from ‘Ratatouille’ where Remi got to try a strawberry and a piece of cheese together for the first time and then the fireworks started, depicting the amazing synthesis of flavor? Well, after that, he decided to become a cook. And he’s a rat. 

But, he followed his passion despite all the odds. And he succeeded. 

The same happened with Nina. She loved baking since she was a little girl, but as we are often taught to go for what’s safe, Nina decided to pursue a law degree. She dedicated herself completely to it, although, as it turns out – life had different plans.

What Happens When We Rediscover Our Passion? 

Do you ever notice how much of our happiness in adulthood depends on whether or not we’re embracing things we loved doing as kids? 

Sometimes, we deviate from that path in search of security and stability. So, Nina did everything comme il faut

She got her law degree, got married, and gave birth to her daughter. And then, she moved to the USA. 

While getting accustomed to the new country, she spontaneously started baking again. Getting back to her roots. Rediscovering her passion for baking and unique tastes of the recipes from her mom’s old cookbook.  

Day after day, she was getting more and more ecstatic about discovering new flavors, learning new decorating techniques, and mastering her craft. She couldn’t wait to get up in the morning so she could work and practice again. 

And if there is such a thing as a dream job – this was it for Nina. Waking up every day excited you get to do what you love. 

She decided to bring the joy of homemade desserts to you.

She just decided to take it a step further and bring the joy of homemade desserts to you. 

Next thing you know – Sweets 4 Me was up and running. 

Sweets 4 Me Is All About You

There’s hardly any celebration in our life that can happen without a cake or some sort of dessert being involved. 

Think about it: birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, weddings, promotions… For every major milestone in your life, there was most likely a cake that rounded off a whole event. And put a little bow on top. 

A great dessert is basically a synonym for a good time. It triggers a sense of belonging, happiness, community, and joy. And what’s better than to have your business associated with these emotions? 

Nina’s mission was just that – to deliver the taste of joy to you. To bring the positive experience to the next level. To give a happy ending to your story. And she managed to do just that. 

So, let’s see what is it that this member of our .ME family has to offer. 

A Wedding Cake To Remember 

Yes, the special day is all about the newlyweds, but I’d argue that a wedding cake comes in a close second. 

It should look stunning and taste even better. After all – it’s the first dessert you take in your married life, and it symbolizes the sweetness of marriage. 

So if you want your cake to be perfect and special, don’t leave it to chance. Leave it to the professional. And Nina is nothing less but that. 

Corporate Events Are Better With a Cake

Celebrating a new client? Someone achieved a major success in their career? It’s the compay anniversary?  

What’s better than to honor it with the cake? 

From large and themed cakes to the smallest cupcakes with logos or other company related decorations or even dessert tables, Nina has got you covered. 

This member of the .ME family has all you need for a perfect company’s celebration. 

Is It a Special Occasion If There’s No Dessert?

Birthdays, promotions, anniversaries, baby showers… You name it – Nina’s got it all. And really  – what’s the birthday without the cake? 

And really – what’s the birthday without the cake?

If you want it to be perfect inside and out, Sweets 4 Me is your address. Not only will they taste amazing, they will be beautifully decorated too. 

And what’s even better – you have total freedom of choice. 

You can pick a theme, a color and the overall mood of your dessert or a sweet table. Same thing when it comes to taste. Pick your chocolate heaven from top to bottom or enjoy the layers of your favorite fruit. 

Can’t decide on the flavor? Worry not – this .MEr will be happy to suggest one of her family cake recipes. 

Sweets for .ME

Being extremely good at what you do is no longer enough. You need the power of personal branding to stand out and bring your business to the next level. 

Nina was aware of it, so she created a personal website that perfectly depict her business – soft, lucious and elegant. Just like her desserts. 

She didn’t stop there – she also harnessed the power of a great domain name. 

The personal touch of .ME domain perfectly aligned with her brand’s identity. It created a wordplay that connects with her audience, as it wasn’t just about sweets. It was always about the connection and sharing. 

As I already mentioned, Sweets 4 ME are all about you.  And .ME domain is just there to show it. 

Embracing Your Passion

Taking a leap is scary. It’s not for the faint of hearts. And this member of .ME family is anything but that. 

Sweets 4 Me was created out of passion for baking, as well as bringing joy to others. She turned her dreams to reality. And she brought them to you. 

And yes, sometimes dreams really are made out of sugar. 

Content Writer, Alicorn