Truthly.Me Makes You Tell The Truth (And Get Away With It)

I was roaming Around Tbilisi, Georgia (the country, not the state), doing some startup ethnography, and covering a startup event TbilisiFTW. And right there, in the heart of Eurasia, far away from home, I stumbled upon something very farmiliar- one of the .ME startups, of course! Like all startup events, this one had a pitching contest as well, and pitching away was Truthly.Me– an app that makes it a bit easier to tell the turth (even if it hurts).
You’ve probably heard of apps like Secret or Whisper, where you can share your own secrets with anonymous masses. However, when you want to tell the truth anonimously, to just one person, Truthly.Me will let you do that and keep your identity safe.
What this service basically does is lets you send an anonymous message to someone you know- and you have to confirm you know them, to stop meanies from terrorizing on unsuspecting strangers.
Say “I love you” or “Snap Out of It”
You can share your feelings with someone, if you are to timid to do it publicly- say I“I love you“ or „It is going to be ok“ to someone without undersigning your name. You can also tell someone what is bothering you about them and things you would like them to work on, or warn them about something– sometimes you have to be a snitch to stop people from getting hurt.
But be warned, the app works both ways and you can find yourself at the recipient end. That’s the whole other aspect of the service- finding out what people really think about you and what character traits you should work on.
You need not register you are just going to send a message to your friends- but if you do, you can make your private messages public, discuss them and make full use of the Facebook integration.
An HR Tool, Too
Whereas Truthly.Me can be used for fun and amusment, it also has its mora practical applications. Why not use it as an HR tool, for giving honest feedback of your coworkers, or your superiors?
Using the app people can express their honest concerns and point out things their coworkers should work on, state who they might prefer on their team.
The service also gives an option of answering simple yes/no questions about their work environment, giving out valuable information to the HR department. This kind of simple interaction receives 34 percent more feedback, as the truthly.Me team pitched.
It is now in beta, and you can sign up if you want to test it, or learn more about it on Twitter and Facebook!
And, let’s not forget you can always give positive feedback– go ahead, make someone’s day!