True Cloud Gaming: It’s Cheap, It’s Piracy-proof, It’s the Future

3 min read,

Cloud computing is probably the biggest buzzword since the Web 2.0 revolution, wouldn’t you agree? Everything is moving into the cloud, your files, your phone data, even some actual tools you use are in the cloud. But what about gaming?

Video games are also in the cloud and if you think about it – why wouldn’t they be? Games are data like any other so naturally, cloud systems can host them. On the other hand, clouds systems can handle the bandwidth needed for all that data to reach its gamers.

Gaming on Demand

Cloud gaming, or gaming on demand is a sort of online gaming where the game itself isn’t installed on your actual computer. Yep, if you thought that we’ll be talking about services like Steam, you were wrong. We’ll focus on systems like OnLive, where the game is being “played” on the cloud, while you just get a streamed image – as if everything is being run on your local computer.

Digital distribution platforms like Steam are in the cloud, keeping your games there, available whenever you want them and saving your game progress, but it isn’t actually the right usage of the cloud for gaming – it isn’t on demand. You can install the game, play it and save your progress “up there”, but can you actually play on demand? Nope, you can’t.

Cloud gaming systems like OnLive allow you to stream the game to your computer; all you have to do is to install a small client application and choose/pay for the game you wish to play. True gamers will be concerned about lag, but there’s no reason for it – broadband connections today are pretty great and your controls will be instant.

The Power of Cloud

Cloud gaming has another advantage – since you’re only streaming the content, your computer doesn’t have to be powerful and too expensive. The rendering of the scenes and everything else is done in the cloud so you could easily play even the newest games on your not-so-new computer. Gaming doesn’t have to be expensive anymore.

Steam might be a cloud service, but it ain’t gaming on demand

Since we’re talking about gaming on demand, it’s also worth mentioning that you’ll have to pay for games – as long as you use them. Why spend large amounts of money on something you’ll play only once or you’ll finish too early? With cloud gaming, you pay as you go, just like with any other cloud service.

Piracy? No More.

Cloud computing also beats another gaming industry problem – the piracy. Think about it; if games weren’t distributed but made available on demand, you’d have nowhere to copy it from. The only way to get to a game would be to pay a small monthly fee and that’s it. Luckily, those fees are really affordable so no one should have any troubles getting a piece of that latest action game, right?

Cloud gaming is currently starting and there aren’t many services, for now. If you’d like to try this sort of gaming, head over to OnLive where you can get games for $5-$50. The money you would spend on your computer components can be a much smarter investment if you decide to join the cloud gaming community which will, without a doubt, be a great thing in the future of gaming. First, there were CDs and DVDs, then the online distribution, and now cloud gaming.

Are you a cloud gamer already?