Keeping Track Of Santa: Where’s He Now?

3 min read,

He’s big, he’s round, he’s bearded, he’s red clad, he’s sort of mythical and he’s faster than the speed of light.  He gets around the world in a single night, eats hundreds of thousands of cookies and drinks gallons of milk and passes final judgment on who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. How do you keep track of someone like that?

Well, there’s always NSA, but they are probably hard to reach and would probably deny it anyway. The next best thing? Google, of course!

Google knows where Santa’s been

See where Santa's at!

Google’s Santa Tracker allows you to following dear Santa on Christmas Eve as he travels across the globe.

Every day in December Google opens up a new a new option on the Santa Tracker,  in his village somewhere on the digital  North Pole. There are videos and games, but also fun and interesting educational materials – you can learn about traditions around the world by clicking around the globe, learn how to say “Santa” in several languages but also play around with some code. Apparently, Santa likes children who can handle their Javascript.

NORAD tracking Santa Since ’55!

Northern American Aerospace Defense is also tracking poor old Santa , with a little help from Internet Explorer. NORAD’s Santa tracker is also packed full with games, trivia, Christmas carols and, of course, Santa’s current location (that man has no privacy whatsoever!).

The main difference is that everything is set in a stop-motion-animation-like, retro world, bringing a touch of nostalgia, that goes so well with mulled wine, cake and Christmas lights.

Chat With the Chap!

If you’re not feeling stalkerish this season, you can reach out to Santa and have a chat with the old chap via Appy Christmas. Truth be told, the Santa in Appy Christmas is a bit of a jerk repeating everything you say in a silly voice, but hey, it’s something! You can also stroke him, poke him, get him to dance and turn into a reindeer. Yup, Appy Christmas is one weird Christmas, but we’re not judging!

 Social Santa!

He may be old, but he’s up to date and following the latest trends. Did you ever doubt that Santa was on Facebook and following your every post, making sure you’re not cyber naughty? His legal name is Santa Clause, se lives in North Pole, Alaska, is achild advocate and believes in world peace. He doesn’t accept requests for presents though – he’s all about opening hearts rather than presents.

Maybe Twitter Santa‘s better at presents? He’s certainly good with a 140 character limit and is up on all the pop culture, hates soy milk, and wonders why no one ever buys him presents. Tweet him a Christmas card at least!

Whether you decide to track, stalk, chase Santa, or leave him alone, we hope you’re still on his good list!