Is this the most beautiful (group) travel website in the world? Explore Tour Via Me!

4 min read,

We all love to travel!

Well, if you don’t, please reconsider. You see, travelling is an exceptional experience in so many ways. Unless you are incredibly fortunate to have a job that allows you to spend your days traveling from one amazing location to another, you are spending most of your weeks dreaming about your next vacation destination. And no matter how many places you visit, you are always hungry for more. Hungry for more change of your daily routine, more new smells and sights, more insight into human nature and your nature.

Unfortunately, there are some obstacles travellers’ face that have been known to discourage even the most enthusiastic of us. Aside from the most obvious obstacles of finding the time and resources for your trip, organizing one can be a true challenge.

If you ever tried to organize a trip on your own you know how stressful it can be. Searching for your perfect tour always turns into tons of messy work: think of all that time and energy spent on emails, calls, endless googling and digging through itineraries. Oh, and don’t get me started on itineraries – you know already, those blocks of long and monotonous text, never answering all the questions you have and causing you headaches.

This is exactly the problem that Tour Via Me is trying to solve. No, TourVia.Me is not a headache pill (well, maybe sometimes), it is an online travel agency that turns the best tours, operated by the world’s best tour operators, into stories which you will enjoy – and which will inspire you to start packing, or at least start saving money for your next trip.

Tour Via Me wants their users to instantly get the feeling of every particular tour. They do this by emphasizing the experience you’ll get while travelling, instead of presenting you with the bullet points of activities that make upthe tour. Also, their itinerary is revolutionary! Just see how beautiful and concise it looks, which is not an easy feat.

Tour Via Me has revolutionized the old and boring travel itinerary

That lame wall of text is now turned into a timeline with pictures of locations you’ll be visiting, with the interactive map showing you where and how far apart these are and how they all connect. But before I go way deep into the description, why don’t you see for yourself?

How about going on a tour that will let you experience the pleasures of small-town living in Italy, or wonders of Cambodia? Or maybe you are more for breathtaking mountain views of Nepal?

For me, I always wanted to visit India and see Taj Mahal in person. Tour Via Me has an amazing Essential India tour that promises the perfect combination of included activities and free time to explore the nation’s rich heritage. It gives me all information I need to see that this tour would be perfect for me as it puts accent on the country’s history and culture, lasts 15 days and covers 7 different destinations.

Tour Via Me's Essential India Tour

But what really convinces me that Tour Via Me is onto something is the fact that I could never make an itinerary that would be as good as an itinerary made by someone who knows the place as the palm of her hand. When you are planning a trip to a foreign country you face a range of obstacles: cultural differences, finding the right information, dealing with unexpected events… A native doesn’t face the same problems, which is why it’s better to have someone on the inside that will plan and prepare everything. In that case, your only job would be to click away with your camera and absorb the beauty of the new culture and the new world you are experiencing. Now that, that is a real vacation!

The strength of Tour Via Me is that they partner with top-notch local operators in order to provide genuine experience of the local culture and history. There are many amazing tours to choose from and, as we hear from Bojan Cincur, CEO of Tour Via Me, the number of tours they are offering is rapidly increasing, so make sure to stay tuned and follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus!

And you know what? Booking a Tour Via Me tour is a great way to get you and the people you love that quality ME time and unwind! What do you think?

Marketing Expert, Alicorn