Top 5 Networking Tips for Developers

7 min read,

Back in the day, if you asked me to share some networking tips with you, I’d have had nothing to say. 

I remember getting ready to visit a local event a few years ago, hoping to grow my own network. 

And I failed miserably.

The one chance I had at making a friend was spectacularly ruined by my own awkward social skills. After a brief conversation with a new acquaintance, she suggested we connect on social media and go for coffee sometimes. “Umm, no, thank you” was my response. To this day, I don’t know why. Self-sabotage at its best!

Even so, my failures inspired me to work on my networking skills. Everyone can polish their networking skills.

And let’s see how!

Working On Your Networking Skills

Being socially awkward isn’t an excuse not to work on your networking skills. Ironically, it can actually help. It can make you more motivated to make a change. So don’t be discouraged if this is you!

Successfully connecting with people in the same industry leads to all kinds of opportunities. If you want to create such opportunities for yourself, getting equipped with great networking tips as a developer is a must. 

Now, let’s see some of the tips you can use to improve your networking skills. 

Networking Tip #1: Build Your Personal Brand

Your online identity, your digital footprint, or your personal brand (whatever you like to call it) is a powerful tool. For most developers, it’s THE way of attracting clients, especially if working as a freelancer.

Before seeing you in person, future employers will always discover your digital identity first. The impression-forming process begins long before someone contacts you. It begins online.

Thus, your goal is to make a great impression online.

Networking Tips for Developers – Use Social Media

Using social media as a developer is a sure path towards building a great personal brand. So identify your target audience and figure out where they hang out the most.

LinkedIn is the go-to channel for all things professional, but you don’t have to stop there. Twitter, StackOverflow and (perhaps surprisingly for some) Reddit, are among the platforms most used by developers.

Increasing your presence on those platforms will get you better connected. By sharing relevant content and interacting with other users, you can even establish yourself as an authority within the industry.

Consider Blogging

Speaking of building authority as an expert, blogging is the number one method of doing that. Solving people’s problems through blog posts will increase their trust in you. There’s no better way to build a strong audience than through regular blogging.

There’s no better way to build a strong audience than through regular blogging.

Networking Tip #2: Work on Your Existing Relationships

It’s wrong to think that networking is only about meeting new people. Nurturing your existing relationships is just as important. Two ways to do this.

Cultivate Relationships With Your Coworkers

Giving advice to and sharing tips with other developers will foster good relationships. Show your coworkers you value them, and they’ll value you back.

Pro trick: Asking people for favors, small as those may be, will get them to like you. Known as the Benjamin Franklin effect, this simple strategy can help you start forming great relationships with your coworkers.

Use Networking Tips for Developers to Seek Mentorship

Having a senior developer as a mentor is quite useful. If you’re part of an in-house team, the first place to look for mentorship is your company. As a freelancer, the first place to look might be your existing network. Spreading your search, however, might be necessary sometimes.

Networking Tip #3: Build New Relationships

Sticking to your old connections and never forming new ones is a dangerous game. Even more so if your current network is small. Isolating yourself will result in futile attempts to accomplish something.

Successfully connecting with people in the same industry leads to all kinds of career development opportunities.

Casting a wider net, especially when just starting out, is crucial. And here’s how to do that.

Participate in Networking Events

Attending events without anyone ever noticing you is not participation. It’s “getting things over with”. It’s claiming we’re doing something meaningful while not doing what we know we should be doing.

So get out of the shadows and start talking. Ask questions and don’t be afraid you’ll come across as ignorant. People love being useful, so give them a chance to be useful. Remember the Ben Franklin effect and ask the person next to you for a small favor. That’s how it starts.

Talking About Networking Tips for Developers – Set Goals

Setting clear goals when participating in developer networking events helps. Next time you’re getting ready to mingle with other developers, set a goal to meet, for example, 5 new people.

You may not become a networking expert on your first try, but look on the bright side:. At least you won’t fail as wretchedly as I did.

Networking Tip #4: Make Meaningful Connections

If this is not your first rodeo, then you already have some idea of how networking for developers is done. Even the most seasoned pros, though, often forget a few crucial things.

Follow Up!

Here’s the harsh truth. People will often forget you if you don’t stay in touch. And you will forget them just the same. So follow up after you first meet.

People will forget you if you don’t stay in touch. So, follow up after you first meet.

Connect on social media, and exchange emails or phone numbers. Whatever works for you. Send a message here and there and arrange for a meet-up. Don’t be pushy, though, as that will just throw your new connection off. Let things run their natural course, but remember that even nature needs some intervention from time to time.

Build Relationships, Not Contact Lists

Contact lists seem to be everything today. Entering into a competition to see who has the largest contact list will leave you high and dry. And without a single valuable connection.

Those not competing will be busy forming real relationships that can actually help them get ahead in the industry. Which group do you want to be in? It’s quality over quantity, always.

Networking Tip #5: Finally, Get Off Your Couch (Or Office Chair)

While the modern world does allow us to build great networks online, neglecting the offline world is a mistake. I know it can be tough, but we have to get off our couch or office chairs and out into the world. There’s so much out there to explore, and you never know who could be sitting next to you on the bus.

Wrapping Things Up

As nobody can succeed in isolation, developing a strong network is crucial for your professional growth. Following these great networking tips for developers will help you do just that.

Building your personal brand, nurturing your existing relationships and forming new ones will all lead to the same goal. Making a name for yourself in this world. So, work on your networking skills, participate in relevant events, mingle, and don’t forget to follow up!

And remember, if someone suggests a coffee meet-up, you say yes! You got this! You’ll pull it off!

Content Writer, Freelancer