How Tony Conrad Started, Built and Sold About.Me to AOL – By Having an Entourage

2 min read,

You’ve probably already registered for the conference in September, the only even in Southeastern Europe you’ll be able to meet True Ventures’ Tony Conrad and WordPress’ Matt Mullenweg as well as a number of other expert speakers. While Matt is known among web professionals as one of the most influential geeks on the Web, Tony Conrad is less well know in the regional web mainstream and we need to fix that.

The Founder, Entrepreneur and Investor

Tony Conrad has not only founded the very successful startups Sphere and, he’s a member of the True Ventures founding team. True Ventures has invested in GDGT, StockTwits, WordPress and a number of other projects. In a talk and interview for TechCocktail, Tony shares his business and entrepreneurial experience, including:

  • How integrating Sphere first made the coverage of the project even better?
  • Why you need an entourage for you web startup;
  • How Sphere became a successful startup by removing the friction of using it;
  • Why he stayed 18 months after his company was acquired by AOL;
  • Why is having your company acquired great beyond the money.
Set? Ok, now watch the video and don’t forget to like it when you’re done. 😉
[vimeo width=”555″ height=”312″][/vimeo]

So you think you have something more to learn from Tony? No problem, there are some tickets left for the conference! Don’t miss out.