The New Reality – view on .ME mobile usage

2 min read,

.ME has been already recognized for the ability to create call-to-action and its world wide usage for personalized websites, blogs and e-mail addresses. But what about its use for mobile websites? Roger Whabe, President of Yooter Interactive, shared his opinion about .ME’s mobile potential at TribbleAdAgency.

“When .me showed up it was a no-brainer, it’s a good moniker for “mobile enabled. In my opinion people want to type less on their mobile, not more. So it’s our policy to use .me domains for mobile only sites, as 2 characters are clearly better than 4 for mobile devices. Over the next few years more and more people registered the .me domain name and many individuals now accept the .me not for what it was intended, the personal website, but rather for what it’s best use is for, being mobile enabled”

It’s a running joke that Ben Bernanke is printing money like no tomorrow, so we decided to setup 2 websites called Ounce.Me and Inflation.Me. Figured they were good domain names for what our purpose was.

In essence we wanted people to check up the spot price of Gold and Silver in a coin shop “to make sure they aren’t getting ripped off” using the mobile phone app, then we wanted to allow them to read some commentary on it via

Next thing you know within days thousands of people showed up, with no marketing or advertising around it.

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