TeacherToolkit.Me Gives Teachers A Way To Freshen Up Their Lessons

5 min read,

Education systems around the world are what makes us who we are, and teachers are the ones shaping the destinies of young people everywhere from Canada to Australia. Every country in the world does it differently, though, and some ideas are more effective than others.

Still, with the dawn of the newest technologies and advances in almost every field of human work, the educational system still tends to be slow and cumbersome. That’s slowly changing, and now teachers can educate themselves and get all the latest information they need on blogs like TeacherToolkit.Me, a great blog about education and every single thing related to it.

You see, when we think of schools (depending on where you live), we like to think about classrooms with around 20 to 30 kids raising hands and answering questions, as well as copying notes off of the blackboard. It’s clear that the 21st century is a little bit more modern than that.

Vintage Learning Isn’t Cool

The BBC wrote about this topic in 2015., in an article called Technology in schools: Future changes in classrooms. The author discussed the need for a new curriculum, not only for the United Kingdom but the world in general. The problem is, that most of the products on the market today are simply aimed at teaching the current curriculum in a slightly more modern way.

It’s clear that this isn’t a way forward, but rather one step forward and another one back. The current curriculum is roughly the same as the one in the Victorian era. Even though that was an era of great peace, prosperity, and confidence for the United Kingdom, we somehow doubt that the curriculum made then is still great as it was back in the day.

[su_box title=”If Kanye West can rap alongside Tupac’s hologram, why can’t we have that in schools? ” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

A whole lot has changed since the 1850’s. We have computers, electric cars, and spaceflight now, but are still sitting in classrooms with around 20 to 30 other students, trying to learn about history and geography from textbooks that are somewhat outdated.

traditional classroom

Textbooks Are Slow, the Internet Is Fast

I can tell from my own experience as a student in the early 2000’s that books are simply too slow and expensive to update, and there were numberless occasions where the teacher would simply point out some information as “outdated” and “irrelevant”.

This needs to change. The solution is, as with most things today, the internet. The experts say that we might need an entirely new curriculum of subjects better suited for the modern society. Sure, there would still be history and geography in essence, but we would learn about them in a new way, and perhaps with more assists from technology such as tablets, smart boards, and 3d projections.

If Kanye West could rap alongside Tupac’s hologram, why couldn’t we put those in schools? This, of course, includes the Tupac hologram, because that’s really awesome.

The usage of tech in schools is much more a thing of need than a thing of want because the times we’re living in now don’t leave you with a lot of options. Tech is the way forward, and we really need to teach our kids more about it.

[su_box title=”Victorian Era curriculums, space flight and Tesla motors exist today at the same time.” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

Some of the upsides of tech in schools, as pointed out by Securedge networks blog, are:

  • Tech teaches diversity in learning styles.
  • It gives the students an opportunity to interact more and encourages collaboration.
  • Students are able to access up-to-date information quick.
  • Digital textbooks!

Of course, there’s more than that, but it’s sure some food for thought, right?

school computer

Teachers Carry The Change

Sure, the change is upon us, but before that change arrives we really need to make the best out of what we have. You must’ve had a teacher in school that was really the best person ever, and his methods of teaching were a little bit unorthodox, but still brilliant. This is perhaps the biggest reason the teachers are actually the ones making the change, and a great teacher can effectively nullify the old and outdated curriculum with his innovation and intelligence.

Voted the Best UK Education Blog this month, Teachertoolkit.Me is an awesome sphere of extremely interesting and valuable information not just for the workers in the educational sector, but rather for everyone that wants to know a thing or two more about the ins and outs of the system. With articles that cover the topics of developing effective problem-solving skills, how to make math interesting and more, the blog is really full of great information.

A Tool To Create Better Lessons

It’s also the home of the famous 5 Minute Lesson Plan, developed for teachers to combat the errors of the old curriculum. It’s a brilliant way to plan out the lessons teachers will carry out in schools, and it’s really an amazing way to inject a dose of fresh life into the old, dull, ex-cathedra lessons.

Teachers and students alike can learn tons of things on this blog, and I’ve spent a lot of time reading it, even though I’m 6 months away from finishing college.

The bottom line of this blog is simply this: it’s so good it’ll make you miss school!