TC Disrupt Hackathon – Day 1

2 min read,

.ME is getting warmed up for TC Disrupt in NYC!! We are partner sponsors of the event, so should there be any devoted .ME fans in New York, stop by the booth for a chat. Dot-ME team has already had a taste of the conference at today’s hackathon. It is the first event of this kind we are sponsoring and it is much different than domain and hosting conferences we attend.

The Venue: The Conference is organized at Pier 94 ( 55th street & 12th avenue) in a large poorly decorated hall where you would rather expect to see a fisherman than a Harvard student. However, it was crowded with young enthusiastic people (approximately 300 participants) and everything seemed to be at its place – the desks and chairs at the centre, the tables with drinks and snacks on the opposite side and mattresses in the corner. Must say that still reminded us of rock concert.

The Equipment: In addition to power supply and Wi-Fi, there was no other equipment. Organizers had some troubles with the opening note and contact instructions since the speakers were not set up correctly, but is was soon overcome thanks to one of the greatest inventions of modern era – email.

The Food&Drinks: Chips, Nuts, Cookies, M&M, sandwiches, coke, juice, red bull etc. Obviously there won’t be much sleep tonight.

The overall impression: It looks like this is the Woodstock of IT events. It is about innovation and those who support it, and not about the Venue, the Equipment and the Food.