What’s So Super About You?

2 min read,

Ever heard of Biz Stone? He’s the co-founder of a little nework called Twitter. Ring a bell? And he’s got a super (strange?) new service, Super.Me.

To tell  the truth Super.Me is a bit weird, but weird’s not always bad. It’s just that this app sort of marches to the beat of it’s own drum and the drum has a very apstract notion of „tempo“.

And that’s kind of what it does, too – it lets you express yourself, show who you are, in a fun, silly, and, yes, sometimes unusual manner. You choose from one of the prompts like The Best, I Am, I Wish, The Best, The Worst, Definitely Don’t, add an image and select whether you want to post under your name, or if you prefer to jump on the aonimity train that’s been going around these days.

Your Super post is posted and available to other Super.Me users who happen to be your phone, Facebook, or Twitter contacts, and the app allows you to see “confessions” of your friends, listed by location or in a „best-of“ manner.

Fun Can Be Important Too

This app obviously combines several trends that have been amde popular by apps like Snapchat and Secret, and Stone’s pretty fine with that, as long as people like it:

  I’m not going to proclaim that it’s the most innovative thing ever or that it’s going to save the world. It’s not, it’s just fun.”“You can’t come out of the gates and say ‘we’re going to change the world’. You just have to make something and see if people like it.

Something fun can go a long way and eventually become important, he notes:

If something’s fun, people might use it, and if enough people use it, it could be important.

The app is available on iOS and Android, so if you feel like you want to share whats’s so super about you, try Super.Me!