The Coolest Overview of Your Basecamp Projects

3 min read,

Project management is very, very important and usually consists of managing several projects. Different budgets, analytics, deadlines and milestones, people involved… there’s a lot to think about.

Basecamp is one of the leading online project management solutions. Unfortunately, it can get overcrowded with all the tasks, calendar entries, messages while you just want to see the overall status of your projects. can show you exactly what you need to see and take care of all the clutter.

Your Projects on Display is actually a really simple Basecamp add-on (sort to speak) which will show you a nice, airport like overview of your running projects. It’s currently in open beta, so if you’re a Basecamp user, feel free to test it out.

If you remember, which will turn your CV into a nicely looking graphic, then is the visualizer for your projects.

Setting Up

To start using, you’ll have to sign up. Nothing special, just enter your details and choose a Statusboard URL. This is what you’ll use to get to your Statusboard. Once completed, you’ll get access to your profile. Now, let’s connect Statusboard with your Basecamp, Google Analytics and Twitter.

Connect with Basecamp, Google Analytics and Twitter

Yes, you can connect Google Analytics and Twitter as well, so you’ll get even more information.

Next up – adding team members. In your Basecamp, you may have people working on a project, but they are not really part of your team; basically, you don’t need them on your Statusboard. So just tick them off in this step. The same goes for projects – why should some small scale project take up valuable space?

Choose who gets to go on the Statusboard

As you know, you can connect Google Analytics to your Statusboard. For now, it will show the statistics for a single website; live unique visitor count of today and the total unique visitor count of the recent week, as well as the daily average.

Almost there – choose what social feed you want to use:

  • All tweets from your account;
  • Tweets that mention you or;
  • A search feed.
What feed would you like to show up?

Set up your date and time and you’re ready to rock!

What Now?

Now you’ll see your Statusboard. That’s it. Oh, here’s an idea – open it up in fullscreen and connect it to your plasma screen in the office or in your hallway so you’ll constantly be up to date with overview of your projects. You can also use it for meetings with your team to give out prizes for the most productive ones 😉

If you run a company with a dozen (or more) employees and the same number of projects, will be really helpful to you. On the other hand, if you have two or three projects in your everyday work, Statusboard, although nice, might be an overkill for you. Maybe you should still rely on your personal project management skills 😉