Startup SEO: Optimize Your Website on a Limited Budget

Search Engine Optimization is indeed one of the trickiest bits of the startup battle. Even though most startup companies know how important SEO is for their online success, some businesses still don’t fully grasp how it all works and what it takes to develop successful SEO strategy without spending a fortune.
Indeed, coming up with effective SEO strategy tends to be rather overwhelming as wrong choices can result in major budget losses, and with your already skimpy finances, your business might meet its demise before you even manage to get the ball rolling. Not to mention that your website can even get penalized for selecting SEO boosting companies that don’t play by the book. So, before you make any rash quick-SEO-related decisions that you may regret, make sure you take care of these useful but economical Search Engine Optimization tactics that will definitely come in handy.
Start with On-Page Optimization
First thing first. Before you search for any hacks or shortcuts, make sure you get your on-page optimization polished first. Majority of startup companies are prone to forgetting about this crucial SEO factor that should be the base of any long-term marketing or SEO strategy. On-page optimization should be the first step you should take in this vicious race, while the second one should be realizing that the race is definitely not a 100 meters sprint, but a long and rather tedious marathon. Check out this infographic for essential on-page optimization strategies you can use on your site today. Once you let this notion sink in, it is time to move onto the next tip:
Ensure Quality Content & Strong Social Media Presence
No matter what kind of online business you are running, you need to have quality content that engages your visitors. Keep it regularly updated and it would be wise to source it from within your organization. See that you cover blog topics that are based around the keywords your business is targeting. This method is quite useful when it comes to increasing visibility of your content within your own niche, which is basically the main goal of any SEO tactics. However, be sure not to overuse the keywords, otherwise your articles might end up sounding generic and they might lose their feel, flow, and organic value.
Now that you are confident your content is top-notch, you need to start thinking about developing powerful social media campaign. Having thoroughly planned marketing strategy right from the very beginning can help the growth of your startup business, while it also provides a huge SEO benefit. Remember, each and every share, like, comment, re-tweet or mention, adds up to a much needed increase in your popularity, which is a crucial component of any SEO plan of a company that strives to become successful and turn into a brand.
Make sure your Page has an Awesome Design
Even though the suit doesn’t make the man (or at least it shouldn’t, in an ideal world), a nice-looking design CAN make all the difference. People tend to share good-looking content more than the dull-looking one. This is why you should use colorful photographs, appropriate videos, useful infographics and all other visual aids that can add up to the quality of your website. Plus, they can also do wonders to boost your SEO.
And there you have it. Once you take good care of all these basics, your SEO rankings should start increasing organically and rapidly, creating the well-known snowball effect, only without the possible negative outcome.
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