Proves the Best Trips Aren’t the Ones You Plan

7 min read,

What kind of a traveler are you?

Do you like everything thoroughly planned or do you enjoy a certain dose of easygoingness?

A lot of people love having a travelling agenda so to make the most of their holiday. They buy tourist guide books or do proper research online to pin down the “must-sees”. They end up having a tight daily schedule, running from one museum and gallery to another.

Although this certainly makes a great and organized way to feel the rhythm of a new place, it can take away the magic of spontaneity.

Because, let’s face it: there’s hardly anything better than getting lost in a new town.

So, if you’re tired of carrying a binder filled with maps and travel tips and would like to go with the flow more often – there is a way to do that. Imagine this: you packed all your stuff and arrived at the airport. That’s the moment you discover where you’re going. Sounds exciting?

It’s possible: with, you’ll go wherever you’re meant to go! Here’s what this startup is about. Introduces the New Concept of Travelling

Founded in 2014 in Amsterdam, gives you an opportunity to let go all of your control freaking and embrace the beauty of the unknown. The element of surprise makes your traveling experience lightweight and your heart more open.

Your trip will be completely planned by the team and you won’t know where you’re headed until the very last moment. This way, your trip is completely unique, instead of a recycled version of someone else’s holiday. And that’s what makes it worthwhile.

[su_box title=”Founded in 2014 in Amsterdam, gives you an opportunity to let go of all of your control freaking and embrace the beauty of the unknown. The element of surprise makes your traveling experience lightweight and your heart more open.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small left”][/su_box]

The idea for this startup was conceived when Stefan (one of the founders) found himself in Barcelona on business occasion, and felt the need to explore another country. His colleague was the perfect partner in crime: she agreed to book him a flight to any destination of her choice and tell him only when to be at the airport and at which gate. When Stefan arrived at the airport, he soon realized he was going to Marrakesh. His weekend was amazing, specifically because it was a stress-free trip that happened out of the blue. It helped him to become more present in the moment and let go of his worries. This lead to an unexpected feeling of liberty.

Wishing that others get a chance to experience the same, Stefan teamed up with Marcel, Raymond, and later Tim, and they’ve all started working on developing a business. Very soon, was born.


How Works

You probably have tons of questions, like – how will you know what to pack, what if you end up in the city you’ve already been to (or worse – hate), what if you feel like going on a city break and your hidden destination is in fact a sunny beach? team has thought of everything and we applaud them. The whole process is simple and contains several steps:

  • Firstly, you choose your theme and preferred area. Want to relax in the Mediterranean Europe or is “anywhere” in Europe good enough for you? The short questionnaire will eliminate the possibility of unpleasant surprises as you list up to three destinations you don’t want to go to and express other preferences.
  • Check the prices so you can estimate whether or not the trip falls into your budget.
  • The next step is all about crafting the perfect trip. You’ll be assigned with your own consultant who will be responsible for planning the trip of your lifetime (i.e. choosing the perfect destination, accommodation, flights, and ensuring everything runs smoothly). You can contact this person in case you have any questions.
  • You get your personal countdown clock on your own page. You may even invite your friends to follow you adventure via this page!
  • Seven days before your departure you’ll receive a weather forecast so you’ll know what to pack. Pretty neat, right?
  • Just a couple of days before your adventure starts, you’ll receive a unique scratch card that reveals a code. Type in the four figures to your personal page and your destination will appear. For the best adventure ever, resist the urge to reveal your destination until the very last moment – once you’re at the airport.

Wondering what kind of destinations can you expect? has done a remarkable job at revealing very little, in order to feed travelers’ excitement and preserve the mystery. Even at the blog, you won’t find a single destination – just reviews and testimonies of those who returned home transformed by an amazing experience:

At we believe that a trip is much more than just a destination, it’s about creating a once in a lifetime experience that creates unique and unforgettable memories. This means we never share any destinations so we can keep the surprise alive.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be set off to an offbeat destination. It could be anywhere, and that’s the beauty of it. The team has worked hard to offer a rich diversity of destinations so your traveling story is like nobody’s before.

The only possible downside here is the location of the departure: they are all from UK.

Saying Goodbye to Your Comfort Zone

It’s a well-known fact that travelling has an amazing power to push us out of our comfort zones. Just think about the culture shock and how it can change people. Encountering a new culture can be intriguing, exciting, and even scary. But if you replace fear with curiosity, wonderful things can happen.

Traveling enriches us, it forces us to take in mind other perspectives, which makes us wiser in a way, more humane, empathetic, and understanding of other positions. It also makes us a bit more humble (in the most positive way there is) and less self-centered. really succeeded at shaking the travel industry a bit, making it possible for you to break through the existing frames of tourism and shake off all the planning and control-freaking.

[su_box title=”Encountering a new culture can be intriguing, exciting, and even scary. But if you replace fear with curiosity, wonderful things can happen.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

We live in the age of independent traveling and the face of tourism has forever changed. Tourists are actually explorers who love soaking in the city on their own, without a guide directing their gaze and controlling the experience of getting to know a new city.

There’s something really beautiful in the way works. People put good faith and trust into the team. Just browse through their blog and you’ll see moving stories, such as newlyweds booking their honeymoon with or friends getting closer by sharing and living through the same traveling experience.

Even the name of this Dutch startup, – signals the personal approach towards traveling. It perfectly sums up the wholesome idea of the importance of being surprised and all the good things that come with ignorance. And is super proud to play a part in their branding, for sure. supports a new idea of exploring new places in a more intimate way, which pushes the idea of conventional traveling aside. Maybe you honestly don’t need a tour guide or a binder filled with “must-sees”. Maybe all you have to do is relax and snoop around on your own. Letting go can be amazing. Will you give it a go?


Marketing Manager, FourDots