Spark.Me App: How to Get The Best Conference Experience

3 min read,

Finally we have made it! Spark.Me Conference is in full swing. You made it through registration and we had an exciting morning. You’ve probably also noticed that the area around you is beautiful, the weather is great, the Splendid Hotel in which the conference is being held has a pool… You’ve probably also met your friends and colleagues and you wanna use this time to hang out with them.

No problems, you can do all that. You can spend this time to explore, have fun, meet new people and ignite your imagination. You can make it all. To help you with that, we have our handy mobile apps for you: Spark.Me iPhone app and Spark.Me Android app.

Your Spark.Me App = Your Conference Buddy


One of the most important features you will use is the Agenda. In order to smartly manage your limited time, you will have to make sure you check which lectures are scheduled and pick the ones you are most interested in! We know you will surely play hooky, but make sure you come back and attend your favourite parts of the conference.

Tip: Set an alarm to know when to come back for another lecture!

In deciding which lecture to attend, you might wanna check out our Speakers section. You will find a list of all of our speakers, see their short biographies and pictures. Pictures are important because they will help you track people down at the conference.

Tip: Find the people you are interested in. Approach them and get to meet them. They don’t bite!

See that baby over there? Startups section will give you information on our Startup Competition. We want to remind you that our competition starts at 5PM. The winners will be announced tomorrow.

Tip: Don’t miss the parties by the pool. That’s the best time to mingle!

Find Your Way Back to Spark.Me!


Before we tell you about our Locations feature, we need to ask this: Have you heard of Backway.Me app? We wrote about Backway application already, you can go check the article out if you are interest. Simply put, the application serves to help you navigate back to a certain position by telling you two pieces of information:

  • how far away you are, and
  • in which direction you should walk.

The most important thing for you right now is that this is all done without use of 3G or WiFi! All you need to do is have the app beforehand and you do not need to worry about those roaming charges and getting lost! Feel free to go out and explore Budva! Walk around, find your new favourite restaurant and know that you will always be able to get back.

Big Thanks to App Developers!

Spark.Me iPhone app and Spark.Me Android app should really be on your phones during the conference. iPhone application was made by BSevolution and it’s Android brother came from ME-net. We would like to thank them both very much for parkering with us and creating these applications! We believe they will help you get the most our of your conference experience! 

A complete list of our Partners is available through our app. Be sure to take a look at it, you might want to know who the awesome people that helped us put all this together are. Enjoy your time here, remember to have fun and ignite your #sparkme! 🙂

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