Folding (Your Soical Network Data, Not Laundry) With SocialFolders.Me

4 min read,

It does not matter if you are creative or analytical, or you have a bit of both types of personality in you. At some point, if you work in some area for a long period of time, a lot of material will pile up and you will need to sort it out if you want to find something.

Analytical person will start this from beginning, creative person will usually have a creative mess until it is unbearable, but at some point some order will be needed. But there is one thing that most of us with internet use: social networks. How to make a sense and order of all the data on them? Well, here to help anyone is

Multiple Accounts, Multiple Syncs

social networks

Everybody knows about Dropbox, and syncing multiple things in a cloud is a norm these days. If you operate on multiple levels, you don’t want to repeat, misplace or loose track of your data and if you don’t have a system it is easy to lose yourself. Social Folders helps you to sync your computer and your social media files. In a way it is a cloud service, but the server that the data is stored on is your own computer. However, it is not just a backup of your online accounts, you can upload files on your accounts from your computer.

After you download and install the app, you connect your accounts to it. For now, it supports Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Picasa, Flickr, SmugMug, Photobucket, Google Drive and Evernote. List is constantly growing. After you select your preferred  services, you can select wich sets of pictures, sounds, document or video you want to sync, as well as any future sets that you will add. And why would you do that? Well, people want to have their content in their hands

Two Way Backup and Sync

sync social folders

It is a welcomed action for any kind of upload. You don’t have to go to your preferred website, search for the upload and then wait for it to go online. With Social Folder, you simply drag and drop the files on your computer in the wanted folder on your computer. If you want a new set, you simply create a new folder. You can also sync content from different services with one another. Having a centralised automatic syncing place of all of your content is not only nifty, but is also handy when you have numerous social platforms.

When it comes to privacy, any changes that you make to your social media profiles are automatically applied to your Social Folder accounts. That means that you can share your content with your fiends, but if you change your mind, you don’t have to change app’s settings each time you change them on your social media profile. However, there is one limitation. If you have multiple accounts on the same service, you can be logged only on one of them. For photographers with multiple Flickr, or musicians with several SoundCloud accounts this can be a bit of nuisance.

Social Sharing

social folder

On the plus side, it is great if you worry that, for example, Instagram will take some of your photos away, or you want access to your Google Docs when you are offline. Sure you can already do that, but in a much more roundabout fashion. App is free to use, and you can sync up to 500 files, and for 9,99$ a year, you can get an upgrade to 5,000 files. Although inevitable Dropbox comparison is obvious, Social Folders are a different kind of online backup/sync species focused on your social media convenience. is an intriguing, easy to use syncing and backup app that works online to offline and backwards. Their creators are listening to their users and the array of social networks that are available is growing constantly. Organisers will love it, and those who need organising will find it easy to use.

Content Writer, Freelancer