Scott Morrison Really Did Bring The Boom To This Year’s Spark.Me

4 min read,

This year’s Spark.Me conference was a truly amazing experience for everyone involved. Speakers ranged from marketing experts to former intelligence officers, but one of the speakers that were absolutely incredible both in his presentation and overall charisma was Scott Morrison. One of the most enthusiastic and charismatic speakers of this year, Scott truly motivates while keeping you on the tip of your seat, anxious to see what advice he has.

The presentation was based on the presentations he gives his clients, built around his philosophy of the Boom. Boom is a project that wants to help people unleash their inner power, charisma, and leadership skills. That’s what Boom is all about, and Scott took to great lengths to explain to the audience what the boom really is. In his words, it’s “a visceral, hungry animal that lives inside every one of us, it’s the thing that makes us do the things we do”. Scott noted that most of us keep that metaphorical animal caged, and we’re afraid of unleashing it. Because of that, we sometimes don’t accomplish as much as we’re meant to, and Scott went on to say that we’re all creative, but we just need to “go for it”.

Here Comes The Boom!

After defining what the Boom actually is, Scott explained some of the characteristics of Boom leaders. He said that Boom leaders aren’t regular leaders and that they are special in a number of ways. Boom leaders ignite the passion that lies inside their employees and thus makes them more energized so they can fulfill their roles better.

It’s also important for the leaders to create legacies, and Scott said that every good leader, be it a chairman of a company or a president of a country, wants to be remembered when he stops being a leader. Nobody wants to be forgotten as soon as they step down from the leading role, and Scott said that the Boom leaders definitely stay remembered, and are viewed in a good light. That’s because they do not impose their beliefs, and don’t hire someone just because he or she can do the job.

Scott noted that there’s a lot of people that can do certain jobs proficiently, but they don’t do them passionately, which leads them to hate the job they have. It’s, therefore, better to leave the job that makes you unhappy and start looking towards something you can do with passion and love.

Reinvent Everything

Scott also talked about disruption and the ways it can bring a positive change. He mentioned that people need to challenge the status quo and if they can’t succeed in something they shouldn’t give up, but should try to invent a new way of doing that. It’s of course not very easy, but dedication does go a long way, said Scott. When it comes to the question of how do Boom leaders succeed in motivating their workers better, Scott believes it’s because of these things:

  • Boom leaders constantly reframe the rules and change the approach to solving questions
  • They create positive disruption
  • They aren’t afraid to ask the so-called “heresy questions”, the questions that hinder the growth of a company, but nobody does anything to fix them
  • They radically collaborate, utilizing help from wherever available to make the best results.
  • They embrace conflict and use it as a tool to solve problems.
  • They’re “always open, always on”, which means they’re available the entire day to help their employees if they need them.
  • They thrive on chaos and use it as a way of making the workplace better.

Learn To Unlearn

Coming to the end of his presentation, Scott said that it’s incredibly important to be able to unlearn certain things to be able to make yourself more productive. This way you can ditch the bad habits and the “wrong” way of doing things to embrace the better, more productive way.

In the end, Scott concluded by saying that leadership is about creating more leaders, not followers, which is something we can all truly agree on. Scott gave us some extremely good advice, and it’s only up to us to use it to be more productive and of course, better leaders.

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