Runnr.Me Tells You Everything You Need To Know To Run Better – In Real time.

3 min read,

Do you like running? As in, physical exercise? If not – you should; running is one of the best exercises out there and it’s totally mind-relaxing, especially if you can run through some parks or woods. Just remember how much Forrest Gump loved running – he just ran and ran until he had enough!

However, if you are running already, you should be aware of some related things that you’re doing wrong. Runnr.Me is a system specialized for the analysis of your running – it will tell you everything you need to know to run better, and it will do that in real time.

Run, Forrest, Run!

If you’re into more professional running, you’re probably working out with your coach and with some specialized equipment. The coach instructs you to have a better running technique, which is great, but still, 80% of runners get injured every year because of some overlooked details. To reduce injuries and improve your running, you (and the rest of the runners) need real time feedback on how you actually move.

Enter Runnr.Me, a system combined of a smartphone app and a wearable sensor. The sensor is placed in your shoe and it will track your movements and foot strikes; the data will be sent to the app which acts like your dashboard. The app will provide you with live audio feedback and it will track your metrics. This is what Runnr.Me tracks:

  • Heel vs. toe strikes;
  • Pronation/Supination (how your ankle rolls);
  • Cadence and;
  • Stride length.
An app combined with a shoe sensor

All the collected data will be delivered to you live so you’ll know what to change while running.

Run. Understand.

The idea behind Runnr.Me is great. It was born in Vancouver, Canada in spring 2012 and the team, two co-founders, created and developed the prototype that got them invited to pitch at YCombinator. The development will probaby be crowd-funded with a KickStarter campaign, so you can’t really test Runnr.Me for now.

However, if you’re an iOS developer or a wireless engineer, contact the team – maybe you’ll join them! Having several other similar systems, you might ask yourself – what’s so special about Runnr.Me? The difference between Runnr.Me and those other systems is that Runnr.Me actually helps you with important data in real time. There’s no reason and absolutely no sense in analyzing your run after it has been run. For now, go ahead and support Runnr.Me!