Plan Your Trips Better With Rove.Me!

4 min read,

Ah, travel. One of the mankind’s favourite pastimes, that takes two things people love the most and puts them right together to make something else, something great. Those two things are of course the desire to see something new, and the desire to tell people about it.

Although there are some people who travel very often and have visited tens of countries around the globe, some of us do it less, but still enjoy venturing out into the unknown. But what’s the best time of the year to visit a new country, and what experiences can you expect once you get there? Well, Rove.Me will tell you exactly that.

It’s easy to get carried away by all of the destinations you can travel to, because, let’s face it: most people travel to go somewhere where they can see something really great, unwind and experience new things. That is precisely why people go to a certain destination, because of the things that destination has in general, like lots of sunny days or great beaches. But what if there’s an awesome festival you might not know about, or a season of some kind of fruit or vegetable? You would love to know those things, the things that set some places apart from others, aside from the sun and the sea.

Off The Beaten Path

Rove.Me is a website that lets you see all of the things regular tourists don’t really bother to check out. It’s a travel guide that lets you know what the best time to visit a destination is, depending on the experiences it offers, and experiences are the main reason we go on trips, right? You can browse through destinations with ease and find out which ones you love the most, and the site will send you a timely reminder when the thing you want to see happens.

What’s also amazing, is that every single activity you might want to check out, such as hiking in Sweden for example, has its own mini-blogpost that describes the activity deeper, and lets you know exactly what can you expect there when you visit. There’s also a number of photographs of the experience in question so you know what it actually looks like once you’re there, just in case you’re having second thoughts.

Charts About Experiences? Awesome!

Once you pick your country of choice, you’ll be greeted with a photo of a location in said country, and an interactive curve that shows you when is the best time to visit the country. That’s extremely useful when you’re planning your trip, because you don’t miss on anything important, and have insight into what’s happening in the country just by looking at the graph. The graph is, of course, interactive, and it highlights the events that are taking place in the country so you can click on them and check them out yourself.

There’s also a built-in filter of things you can do, so you can use the provided checkboxes to filter out events, activities, food, nature and my personal favourite: crowdless experiences. This way you can browse only the activities that aren’t on the familiar, beaten path and that are not attracting large crowds but are still a sight to see and admire.

If you’re having doubts about the weather in the country of your choice, there’s also convenient weather data that is based on historical data collected in that country, and of course, once you’re all set to go, you can book a flight right there on Rove.Me, so there’s as little hassle as possible. Even though you’ll be able to book a flight easily, we believe that you’ll be busy browsing all of the countries and their data for hours and finding out some exciting new things every country has to offer.

Being Informed Means More Fun

You see, you don’t need to miss out on anything when you travel. You can visit the best that the country has to offer just by using Rove.Me, and never again be down because something great finished just the day you arrived at your hotel. Be informed about everything in time, and have the best trips ever.

For all your trip-planning needs, visit Rove.Me!