Rewind.Me and Your Friends’ Foursquare History – Where Have They Been?!

3 min read,

Where were you yesterday? Or the day before? Do you remember that restaurant you liked several months ago? Forgotten its name? Foursquare history isn’t too helpful (if it’s helpful at all) and you really want to go to that place again. Rewind.Me is an app for you.

Rewind.Me is a free iPhone application which allows you to get your Foursquare check-in history and presents that data in some really interesting ways. If your Foursquare friends are using Rewind.Me, you can also see their data!

Back in Time

As you know, Foursquare isn’t much of a history keeper; you can’t get information on the place you’ve visited nor can you browse the history of your check-ins. Similar to Twitter, developers took the problem into their own hands and created third-party applications which will use Foursquare data in order to get the functionality they or you need.

Rewind.Me will (obviously) require your Foursquare account to work, but once you’ve entered the details, it will turn all of your Foursquare check-ins, both public and off the grid, into a nicely designed timeline so you’ll be able to see where have you been and what have you done.

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Your check-in history can be viewed by date or you can check out the locations in which you’ve checked-in. You can even check out the items by category or on the map, so it’s really hard to miss a place you’ve forgotten about. There are many ways to find it – so why don’t you?

Social History

How about places you’ve visited with your friends? If there is any reason you need to know the check-in history of your friends, all they have to do is install Rewind.Me and permit you to view their history as well. Once you’ve been granted access to their “places” history, you’ll be able to find out where they’ve been near your or find out what places they’ve visited.

The Power of Third-Party

Foursquare is an amazing service – especially if you’re in a more crowded area. However, it has its flaws, one of which is history browsing. Rewind.Me is a great addition for fixing this problem, that’s the beauty of third-party apps and plug-ins. Do you remember what was Twitter like 3 or 4 years ago? There were no native retweets, nor were hashtags an official Twitter feature. If I’m not mistaken, in order to use hashtags fully, you’d have to follow a specific hashtags account 🙂

All of those additional features were brought in by third-party developers and their apps. It was magical when you could retweet a tweet and your client app would create a new tweet with the same message and a “RT” in front of it. The same goes for Foursquare – Rewind.Me is just one of many great uses of their API – maybe soon some of those apps will become a fully supported feature in the native app? Let’s wait and see! In the meantime, try out Rewind.Me!