You Have To Be Real – The First Annual We All Grow Summit

At the first annual We All Grow Summit in Los Angeles, Gaby Natale advised attendees:
“People want to feel like they are getting to know you through the things that you do. You have to be and sound real.”
In many ways, that remark captured the spirit of the We All Grow summit, a conference for Latina Bloggers Held at The Line Hotel in Los Angeles from February 26 to February 28, 2015. While she was speaking to a select audience, the sentiment is applicable to anyone forging an identity online or IRL.
Taking place over a three-day span, We All Grow covered a wide range of topics including tips on blogging, vlogging, monetizing, photography, and mastering social media but the overarching theme that ran throughout was identity. Sessions touched on what it means to be a woman, a Latina, a writer and most importantly, what it means to be all of these things online.
The We All Grow Summit by Latina Bloggers Connect was created as a professional conference for Latina digital content creators and influencers across all categories (parenting, lifestyle, fashion/beauty, food, entertainment and more). The conversation, networking and learning experiences, which were all bilingual and all in-culture were crafted to create unique and long lasting connections.
.ME sponsored the summit with a suite filled with all things ME inspired, to give the ladies a place to hang out that was all about them. From a sweets bar to a selfie wall and caricature artist, we pampered attendees with free domain names and A LOT of sugar. We were also very lucky to have Gaby Natale (@superlatina) giving business-branding advice in the .ME suite for the hour following her panel. Natale is the host of SuperLatina, a six-time EMMY-nominated syndicated TV talk show that airs nationally in the US, through Vme TV network. Gaby Natale is one of the few women in the entertainment industry who owns not only the rights to her TV show, but also a television studio.
During her keynote panel “Bringing the Social to Media“ Gaby touched on issues of identity and voice by advising attendees:
“Before you speak in public, think of two words; Arnold Schwarzenegger, because that man with that accent was able to become governor of California.”
This was followed up by superstar blogger Jeannette Kaplun who told the audience to
“Stop worrying about what other people are doing and focus on doing the best you can.”
As a team, we have a diverse set of interests, but we are all adamant about how important it is to be your self. So we were very proud to sponsor this conference that was so closely aligned with what we all believe to be the most important key to online/ blogging/ business success.