, the App You’ve Been Longing for in High School

8 min read,

Remember how in high school, you would search for summaries of the books you had to read for your literature class, hoping that the teacher won’t ask you anything? You always had something better to do – be it going to concerts, mingling, spending time with your secret crush, or skipping class. Yep, reading was not really at the top of your priority list.

Well, high school never ends.

But today – things are a bit different. Now you probably wish you have more time for reading, but you simply can’t manage to squeeze it into your daily activities. Particularly if you’re an entrepreneur. The day flies by, thousands of things come up, and it all comes down to working hard and climbing tired into bed after a long day. And how can one keep up with what’s going on, with such a tight schedule

[su_box title=”If you want to gain a fuller understanding of a certain method, topic, problem, or you wish to master a certain skill – the most proven way to do so is the old fashioned way: by grabbing a book.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”]   [/su_box]

On a daily basis, business people usually rely on reputable websites from their chosen industry, social media, and various digests, as these are the best channels for staying up to date. You can skim through the text, see what the current trends are and if perhaps there’s some hot talk of the town that your business can benefit from. However, a large chunk of the texts online is just recycled content. If you want to gain a fuller understanding of a certain method, topic, problem, or you wish to master a certain skill – the most proven way to do so is the old fashioned way: by grabbing a book.

We’ve all seen lists of the top books all entrepreneurs should read, but the question is – when, god damn it? How are you supposed to find the time for reading? You’re clever enough to know knowledge is power and that your business would certainly benefit from you snooping around other people’s ideas and conclusions. What you don’t know is how to commit to reading in your fast-paced everyday.

It’s hard to put reading as a priority, especially because it is very time-consuming. Luckily, there’s a solution for all you hustlers out there who want to keep up with relevant titles: a simple tool called

The Idea Behind

As we grow older, we begin to understand that time is the most valuable resource we have. Or, as entrepreneurs love quoting Benjamin Franklin – time is money. Having that fact in mind and using it as the starting point, became the leading book summary service for entrepreneurs, executives, and business coaches. In the fast-paced world we live in, we truly don’t have much time to read. The competition is harsh and knowledge is gold, so neglecting one’s reading can be dreadful.

Although internet is an endless resource, as we mentioned – it contains bunch of recycled articles with little or no value. A comprehensive book cannot be replaced with a short article. So, is designed for business people who want to keep up, but don’t have enough time for it. It supports them in their networking efforts, too: what is a better conversation starter than an intriguing title that became popular in the industry?

With, knowledge is served at the tip of your fingers, so you can elevate your career or launch your business with more confidence and greater success. And it’s not only for getting to know new books. People tend to forget what they’ve read. As the author of “How to Talk About Book You Haven’t Read” Pierre Bayard said:

Reading is not just acquainting ourselves with a text or acquiring knowledge; it is also, from its first moments, an inevitable process of forgetting.

So, summaries can also serve as a reminder of the key ideas from books you’ve already read.

How it Works

The team behind works hard to find the most relevant and valuable business books that entrepreneurs can benefit from, and turn them into an easy-consumable form: videos.

Video format has already been praised as incredibly effective in means of content marketing and some even say it’s going to take over and suppress the text format. According to Cisco, video will account for 80% of the global internet traffic by 2019.

[su_box title=”The team behind works hard to find the most relevant and valuable business books that entrepreneurs can benefit from, and turn them into an easy-consumable form: videos.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”]   [/su_box]

And it’s not that hard to understand why. Videos require much less cognitive strain than other types of content formats, allowing the human brain to easily process information through the power of visual. is well aware of the fact, so users have the opportunity to soak in the main ideas from over 150 books via simple 12 minute videos. What’s great about it is that you can watch them on the go. By using your iPad, laptop, or your phone, you can utilize the time you have on your hands in a more meaningful way. For example, if you commute to work by taking a one hour bus ride to your office, no reason to waste a minute of your time. You can watch four different book summaries and step into your workday triggered by something new you’ve learned. There’s hardly a better way to get your creative juices flowing and make the most of your day. You’ll be more prepared to take on daily challenges as you start applying new business techniques and fresh thought-leadership.

In addition to videos, book summaries are available in the audio format and PDF texts.

All the Cool Kids Are Using it

Among the users of, one can find renowned organizations and names: the American Express, Zappos,Geekdom, the Cornell University, The Royal Bank of Canada, as well as successful individuals such as Dan Pink, New York Times best-selling author of “Drive and A Whole New Mind”.

When it comes to pricing, users can choose between three different packages – lite, standard, and plus, which differ in means of the summary format, book category, and the number of fresh titles users can access on a weekly basis.

Price range goes from $8.99 to $29.99 per month, depending on the chosen package. There are also options for annual subscriptions and you can also choose lifetime access within the plus package, for $1499. Once you subscribe, you will be billed until you cancel your membership. You can enjoy a free trial to test the service before deciding whether or not you wish to subscribe.

It’s quite simple: you get your unique username and password, so you can access videos and other materials.

Available As an iOS App, Too

In July 2017, was released as an app designed for iPad and iPhone, making it even easier for users to consume the content on the go. Here, one can enjoy amazing perks, such as

  • Having full access to the library of book summaries
  • Watching video summaries and downloading them for offline watching
  • Listening to audio summaries and downloading them for offline listening
  • Reading through carefully crafted text summaries
  • Getting notified about new summaries and updates

What sets apart from other book summarizing services is the fact that users don’t get served with shortened books (i.e. shortened book chapters or just extracted ideas), but with actual interpretations of the ideas and methods written about, so you can instantly put them in practice. That’s probably one of the greatest assets of it provides users with actionable advice in order to empower their growth, be it personal or their business’.

The team of has truly created an incredible and authentic brand, and is proud to be a part of it. By making .ME a part of this simple call to action integrated within the domain name, this startup and their mission stay easy memorable, authentic, and simple.

Are you ready to discover and apply the world’s most inspiring ideas? Sign up for today.


Marketing Manager, FourDots