The First Montenegrin Philosophy Cafe: Pursuit of Friendship

Last week, Montenegrin city of Bar was a host to 20 participants from all over the world who gathered together for the first Montenegrin philosophy cafe titled: „Pursuit of Friendship“. The meeting served as an introduction to XXVI International Philosophy Olympiad, which will take place in Bar from 23th to 27th of May 2018. Both events are organized by the Montenegrin association of philosophy teachers.
Guarantee for the success of philosophy café was definitely a creative choice of discussion topics. From neoliberalism to philosophy for children, from rock music and tolerance to philosophy and movies, the attendees had the whole universe to talk about! Of course, the discussion was moderated by experienced PhDs and university professors from all over the world – dr Attila Pato from Hungary, dr Anton Markoč from Bara , mr Kedar Soni from India, dr Bruno Ćurko from Croatia and mr Matevž Rudl from Slovenia.
Dr Pato and dr Markoč provided interesting discussions about neoliberalism, while dr Ćurko’s workshop on rock music’s influence on tolerance for ethnic minorities was a true rockstar of the meeting. 🙂 However, aside from the discussion, the café program included many workshops and visit to the Old Town of Bar. One can not resist the tought of comparing this café’s visit to Old Town of Bar with meetings of philosophers in ancient Greece. Oh, to be a fly on the wall!
Montenegrin teacher Jasminka Milošević from Montenegrin gymnasium “Slobodan Škerović” talked about philosophy and film. A perfect chance to feature a short movie made by her students. Attendes also had a chance to learn more about the philosophy of Akira Kirosawa’s movies.
And us? We were proud to be the general sponsors of the event. From the beginning of our work, we recognized the importance of investing in education. Philosophy, as the heart of all the sciences, was a logical choice to invest in. After all, these discussions see us as students as well, and we can’t wait for the XXVI International Philosophy Olympiad taking place in Bar, Montenegro in 2018.
We are hundred percent sure that all of the participants will be the perfect ambassadors of the event and make it un unforgettable experience. Interesting discussion, kind hospitality, and impressive beauty of Bar will certainly ensure it. 🙂