Let’s Get Organized: Awesome Tools That Bring Order Into Daily Chaos

Getting started can be the hardest part of doing something. But keeping yourself motivated can be exhausting too, especially if there is something you have to do, but are not that excited about. Then there is all that work gathering and organizing information. All that can be very frightening and frustrating
Good organizing tools can help you avoid all that frustration and fear, and to help you with that, we worked out a list of 10 helpful organizational apps we use and love. Without further ado, here they are!
Evernote is THE ultimate app when it comes to organizing. Even if you don’t have it, you’ve heard of it. IIt is a suite of software and services designed for taking notes and archiving them. Notes can be virtually everything: text, pictures, you name it. And you can organize them in any way you want and in any way that works for you. It works on almost every OS and mobile platform.
Diigo is a social bookmarking website. It allows you to bookmark and tag web pages, or just the parts you like. It will automatically archive pages that you save, so there will be no problem with broken links or lost content. Everything can be kept private, or you can share it with a group, which can be useful to professors and students who are eager to learn. Or share notes.
In short, RedNotebook is a modern day journal. Cross between a blog and a Wiki-page it brings best of both worlds. It allows you to format your text any way you want. Tags and categories are great for quick searches and you can export your entry in PDF, plain text or HTML, so all major formats are covered. Just create your template and write away.
Teux Deux
If you just need a simple tool that is still a tad more useful than a peace of paper with a to-do list, Teux Deux is the thing for you. Visually simple, yet beautiful, it is highly usable. Besides adding things to your list, you can add recurring to-dos or “someday” lists that can be easily dragged between your calendar and your lists. If you don’t finish something, it will automatically be pushed to tomorrow.
Remember The Milk
Another to-do list, however, this one is for the more advanced users. Remember The Milk is highly compatible with a lot of other platforms, and is not only web based. Want it on your iPad? No problem. YOu can also manage it with Evernote, Siri, or Gmail, and use it on your Blackberry or Android phone. Hell, it works with Twitter too. Very versatile and very useful.
Spider Scribe
If you are more of a visual type and prefer mind maps, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service. You can use it by your self or collaborate with a group. You can upload almost everything that you can think of. Information is stored in a cloud, so you can access it from anywhere. Brainstorming with your team just became easier than ever.
When it comes to project management softwares, Basecamp is one of the best tools. There is just too little space here to tell everything that it can do, so we’re just going to mention some of its perks: it is super fast, easy to use, allows you control over who sees what, lets you know when someone completed a task, recovers deleted things, allows real time collaborations… And that’s just scratching the surface.
There is some weight to Teambox, because it is used by Lego, Samsung and Groupon. If the professionals and big companies are using it, then it means that it’s here to stay. It is free if for groups under 5 members and the best part is that the client support is multilingual, in English, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Catalan Spanish and Portuguese.
Sometimes we take down some notes and forget about them. Luckily, Thoughtback is an app that will send those notes and thoughts back to you at random intervals. Sounds a bit chaotic, but it works better than you think. Simple and easy to use, it is a great storage for your ideas, quotes, reminders and anything else that you are afraid that you will write down and forget.
Livescribe Smartpens
For the end, we saved one gadget. Livescribe Smartpens are best thing that happened to handwriting since the invention of a pens. It will automatically transfer your handwritten notes to your device where you can convert them to text. It will also record audio so there will be no more missed information during your conversations or lectures. It definitively turns your words into action.
So, grab your organizational skills by the apps and throw yourself in new adventures. There are no excuses anymore!