Popcorn October #2: The Very Best Movie Streaming Sites

At some point in your life you missed a movie you really wanted to watch in the cinema and that’s OK, because you know yo will get it later at your local video store. Well, who am I kidding. Video!? Even DVD is slowly going out of style (hello blue-ray!). So let’s focus on one thing that allows us to stay in our pajamas. That are full of cookie crumbs. And occasional soda stain. Who knew movie streaming can be so gross, and yet so comfortable at the same time? To allow you to stay indoors and un-showered, here are 9 of the best movie streaming sites. In no particular order:
List couldn’t start without the one and only online threat to the established TV networks: Netflix. With several original TV shows, like Orange is the New Black, it shook traditional approach to television. This subscription service for renting movies and TV shows recently added streaming online.The monthly subscription fee is under $10, and the first month for free.
Internet can be full of sites that would promise you free movies and then spam the living lights out of you. WatchFreeMovies is one of the best free sites. Combination of quality of material and minimum commercials makes it one of the few that stand out from the rest of the similar sites. You can join, or you can watch without registration. No strings attached!
Not ling time ago, the most popular video streaming site, YouTube, removed the limit of how long your video can be. Home to home-made videos that are always free, it is favorite among record labels too. Almost all music videos have their home there. Although there are lot of pros, there still are some cons- we are still waiting for a big name in movie industry to sign to YouTube.
What makes Crackle stand out form the rest of movie streaming sites is its unique collection of movies. Its free to watch, but it requires you to register. As expected from a free site, it lacks newest blockbusters, but that is actually a plus. The fact that it favors obscure and old movies makes it really pop out. So if you like oldies, this sites’s library is the right place for you, like the Beasts’ library is for Belle.
Another totally free and no strings attached streaming site. IWatchOnline has excellent quality-to-advertising ratio. But its sleek, elegant and minimalistic design is what caught my eye. It casually informs you what is playing in cinemas, and how successful it is on box office. If you don’t like cluttered sites, this is definitively the one for you.
Amazon Instant Video
If there is some online demand for a certain product, you can bet that Amazon will react. This online retail giant developed Amazon Instant Video, a wise reaction to growing video on demand streaming. There is a great feature called pay-as-you-watch, so if you are a bit of risk taker, this is a product that suits your needs best. Continue or stop, whatever you want.
Los Movies
Be honest, you came here to see what sites are free and watchable all over the world, didn’t you? So, here is another one. Los Movies will allow you to do that will as little spamming as possible. One of the interesting feature, that other sites usually lack, is having the option to search movies with subtitles in English. Sometimes everybody needs a bit of translation.
Another apparent oddball, Vimeo is actually quite entertaining. Although it will not satisfy your need for old or new Hollywood blockbusters, it will offer you a big number of original (short movie) content that is free and usually in HD. Excellent to catch young filmmakers before their big brake. But don’t be fooled, quality of majority of the movies is already on the Tinseltown level.
To end this list is another totally free site which is not riddled with ads: SolarMovie. Well arranged, with large collection of movies, it is a great source for entertainment. As usually, you can register and participate in many social aspects or you can simply click and watch without any obligations. The choice is yours.
From Hollywood to independent, short to full feature movies, free and paying, available and not available in your country, the choice is yours. You just need to take come popcorn, get comfortable and start watching. Stay tuned for next and final Popcorn October installment!