Player.Me Is The Ultimate Social Discovery Network For Gamers

4 min read,

I’ve never been the type to judge a book by its cover, and I sure wasn’t the type to let any new trend in the gaming world go unnoticed. Hearing about new trends in gaming is always welcome, and the last new thing that has grabbed my attention is the site conveniently called Player.Me. With more than 90,000 users in over 170 countries around the world and over 3 million posts, Player.Me is on its way to become the ‘About.Me of the gaming world

It’s a platform that connects gamers in a very familiar way, similar to Facebook and Twitter. But then again, in a world where almost anyone and their grandmother has access to services like Twitch and Steam, one would argue that the need for “something new” in gaming is maybe there, but the want is not.

Judging by the enormous boost of popularity the gaming scene received in the last couple of years, one cannot just settle for receiving news and the latest game-related information from paper magazines. No, you need to expand your horizons way, way more. If you’re a gamer such as myself, you’re probably familiar with Twitch (and more recently, YouTube Gaming), Appy gamer, and the whole assortment of gaming-related content created by the public, be it blogs, sites, podcasts and everything in between. But what if you could have it all in one place?

Enter, Player.Me

The name probably rings a bell or two, definitely owing to its similarity to user-friendly brand About.Me. Now, what wants to do is to create a unique online environment just for gamers. It does so by allowing you to get all of your gaming-related community-made news and updates in one place. Imagine your Twitter feed, but made entirely out of gaming content.

The Twitter concept also shows through followers, a familiar concept for everyone who’s ever used that platform. But we already have Twitter, why do we need this, you ask. Well, the reason is simple: streams.

Integration With Twitch – The Way To Go

You see, Twitch has established itself as THE go-to place for streaming games and similar content in the last two years. It has smashed the 100 million unique monthly visitors, built apps for every platform, and transformed the way we view gaming. That’s why Player.Me relies heavily on Twitch integration. Starting from the home page, where you can toggle YouTube and Twitch-related content, to the dedicated streaming tab.

You can link up your Twitch streams for everyone to see, you can check if anyone of your friends is currently streaming, and you can see featured streams that are happening at the moment, and the best part is that it doesn’t open Twitch, but just pops the player out instead! You can also pin posts for reading later, post photos, join groups, like games and much more.

Should You Try It? Yes, You Should.

The bottom line is, even though Player.Me doesn’t bring anything ‘obviously’ revolutionary to the table from the technological and social media point of view, the truth is that it doesn’t have to. Player.Me uses integration with powerful gaming platforms and the user-friendly experience of familiar social media sites to win gamers over, offering them access to a dedicated community of like-minded individuals, which is hard to find on Facebook or even Twitter. You don’t need to think who shares your interest in gaming on Player.Me – because everybody does.

Combine that with a sleek user interface, lots of customization, profile badges for almost every gaming platform, and you have yourself a respectable and powerful tool that aims to bring gamers together under a single banner-the player banner. And after all, it’s the player that is important.

Visit Player.Me today and start interacting with the gaming community!