Make The Best Possible Place Cards With PlaceCard.Me

5 min read,

The joy of weddings probably isn’t the same for you, the guest, and the wedding planners or the bride and groom that are actually hosting the event. Weddings can be the most stressful thing for a young couple, and can event put the relationship of two people at stake, as minor differences between people can grow into full-on disagreements and shouting matches at the worst possible time.

There are a number of services and tools that aim to help you sort out everything when it comes to your wedding organization, but not a lot of them cover solely the place cards. You know, the tiny pieces of cardboard that are placed on tables to show them where they’re sitting. You probably aren’t giving them much thought, but they can be a pretty big deal if you don’t have them, right? That’s where PlaceCard.ME comes into play, by allowing you the best possible place cards for your wedding or a celebration of a different kind.

Cards Show You The Way

Weddings can be full of terms you probably never heard of before you decided to get married, and while we’re not trying to be smart here and tell you what you need to think about when you’re planning your big day, we can tell you that there are some things you need to keep in mind, because we’re your friends here and we care about your well-being.

Before I’ve started work on this article, I didn’t know that there were two different types of cards that show your guests where they sit at weddings, called place cards and escort cards. While escort cards are used to show your guests what table they’re going to be sitting at, place cards are a more formal way of doing so and show your guests the exact seat you want them to be on for the remainder of the evening. See, the more you know!

[su_box title=”PlaceCard.ME allows you the best possible place cards for your wedding or a celebration of a different kind.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small left”][/su_box]

The seating arrangements at weddings can be an art exercise in their own right, with the seating arranged regarding the venue, the number of guests and the general setting you’re aiming for. While the bride and the groom have their own table where their respective family members sit, you can arrange your guests however you’d like, and there are all sorts of calculations in order: who likes whom, what number of people should you allocate to each table, how big is the venue and all that.

From The Early 20th Century To Your Wedding

Place cards are thought to originate at the beginning of the 20th century, where the banquet guests would usually meet in front of the venue en masse, where they would wait to be called inside by the hosts and their staff. Of course, as for all of the things that originated in the Downtown Abbey era in Britain, escort and place cards were needed to tell the male guests which of the ladies they would be escorting to the banquet and were handed discretely to the gentlemen. Those were different times, we agree.

[su_box title=”The main benefit of making place cards online is that you don’t really have to use a local print shop and waste time designing the cards yourself.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

Since then, the cards have matured slightly, but unless you’re planning a giant banquet or a fundraiser for dignitaries, you can simply lay out the cards on the table and ask someone to simply show your guests the way, no need to be secretive. Place cards are also there so that your guests can get to know each other better, and it’s much better to be seated across someone and hold a conversation if their name is literally written on a card in front of you, right?

Fancy Cards Are Timeless

PlaceCard.ME is a service that helps you design place cards for any event you might have so that your cards are as good as they can be while being easy on the wallet and on the eyes as well. You just need to visit the page and design the place cards to your liking. After that, you’ll need to fill out the names and tables and after a few short steps, you’ll be able to get printable templates so that you can do with them whatever you’d like.

Making place cards online has its benefits, of course, the main one being that you don’t really have to use a local print shop and waste time designing the cards yourself, and you can only send out the printable files and collect the cards once they’re finished.

These custom place cards will make any celebration better, but don’t forget that they’re simply one small part of the much larger event, and you should look at them as such. Happy planning!