Organize.Me for iPhone & Android Scans, Keeps and Tracks Your Documents – for Free

5 min read,

While there are a lot of “scanner” apps that take advantage of your iPhone camera to keep your documents safe, none of them have come close to being more than a “scanner”. That is – until Organize.Me, a free iPhone, Android and Windows Phone app. While other apps just scan documents, Organize.Me keeps them organized (as the name suggests) but also keeps track of deadlines as well as taxes on your invoices.

Before we move along with describing why Organize.Me does a lot more than its competitors, we have to tell you to expect German efficiently with this app. While this means that the app is very well thought out, don’t worry if their website at the very nice domain is not available in English. Organize.Me is focused on its core German-speaking market, but its app is available in a number of countries and languages, including English!

The creators of Organize.Me, the Tomorrow Focus team have for years built digital products such as AOK HolidayCheck, FOCUS Online and, primarily for the German-speaking market.

Scanning Documents Is Just the Start

The question that Organize.Me is trying to answer is: “Where are my contracts, where are my invoices”? Remember the last time you forgot an important document. Yep, that one time that you couldn’t find it anywhere and you wished you had saved it in “the cloud”? You might have scanned it with your app, but that pdf is long gone somewhere in a sea of others.

Organize.Me iPad

This kind of situation won’t happen with Organize.Me, because it doesn’t just want to be a one-time utility. After you scan your document, you’ll be asked to store it in a category. While there are a number of default categories to choose from, you can create your own easily.

You can also add labels that will add an additional layer of categorization to the vast around of documents you expect to scan in the future, saving you from additional searching later on. Since we mentioned the future, one feature that will help you a lot is saving search results as folders. What this means is that if you need a particular type of document all the time, this “folder” will update itself with new documents that match your specified search criteria.

Keep in mind that Organize.Me supports full-text search so your search criteria will also search whole documents, not just their titles or metadata. This makes sure that you always find exactly what you’re looking for! The most important documents you’ll probably scan and categorize are going to be either invoices or contracts. Here’s where Organize.Me goes the extra mile.

Never Miss Deadlines in Your Docs

For both types of documents, Organize.Me will keep an eye out for deadlines and due dates that appear in your documents. This way, you don’t need to setup reminders by hand and most importantly – you don’t have to worry about deadlines being missed.

As far as invoices, Organize.Me will make it easier for you to pay them: The app supports paying invoices right within Organize.Me, saving you the time you would spend logging into your bank’s web banking application. And when you pay you’ll probably have to make you that your annual tax returns are taken care of, right? This app will automatically detect the tax year in a document and offer to share it with your tax advisor or accountant! Brilliant!

The documents you do add to Organize.Me will be stored in a secure data center, but still available to you anywhere in the world through their web and mobile apps. If you do decide to share or backup your apps, you have several options: Either sending them by email or connecting your Organize.Me account to Google Drive or Dropbox. You can actually use both popular cloud storage platform if you want to!

Organize.Me Cloud

If you decide that Organize.Me is good enough to use in your business a lot more than just using its mobile app, you can contact their business department to take advantage of their scanning technology. Its Business API is also available to business who want to harness the power of Organize.Me across their company… In the meantime, however, just can download Organize.Me – for free:

P.S. If you have a document that you want to send to Organize.Me but you don’t (or can’t) scan it, just send it to your private email address which will add the files you attach to your Organize.Me folders.