[optim-eyes.me] EaaS Generation of Businesses

6 min read,

Nowadays, a top priority of the new generation of businesses is being recognized as a brand that truly cares about the end-user and the environment.

To show their dedication, companies around the world are turning to increasingly affordable renewable energy solutions. This helps them become more energy-efficient, bring down costs, and reduce their carbon footprint.

The top priority of the new generation of businesses is being recognized as a brand that truly cares about the end-user and the environment.

Optim-eyes.me is a team of people who are actively contributing to these causes.

Who is optim-eyes.me

A B2B company that offers renewable energy solutions to care homes, hotels, restaurants, and companies in the property developers sector.

Optimeyes analyse a business’ current state of an estate’s energy consumption, and design a plan for transforming it into a more energy-efficient. They achieve that by using products such as solar panels, LED lighting, Combined Heat and Power products, voltage optimization devices, and Electric Vehicle charge points. What’s more, they can install the equipment and help businesses manage and maintain the system.

In other words, they turn business utilities simple and renewable with next-generation energy solutions. Awesome, right?

Renewable Energy Wave

renewable energy wave

The Renewable Energy Wave is making the benefits of renewable energy available to everyone thanks to the technology becoming more affordable. Optimeyes is a part of this change and these principles represent their brand values

Optimeyes supports companies to move towards renewable energy solutions and points out that: 

  • saving energy and being more energy-efficient reduces costs and increases profits,
  • complying with the new regulations regarding energy efficiency a long-term investment and strategy, and 
  • becoming green is a requirement made by global and company leaders and employees and by the consumers as well.

The entire energy market is transitioning to new energy sources. Along with emerging technologies, new opportunities are created for those that embrace the changes. 

Energy as a Service Disruption

Optimeyes is becoming famous for being a part of Energy as a Service. Today, EaaS is known for causing significant disruption in the energy sector.

EaaS is actually the transformation from the traditional, centralized generation of energy to a distributed generation, which represents a new customer-centric solution.

energy as a service disruption

The new solution

Under the centralized generation system, energy is provided as a commodity and sold as a material resource. 

The new solution shifts this paradigm and turns the entire provision of power into a service. It changes the old, centralized, and fossil-based models for a cleaner, consumer-centric and decentralized solutions The new solution is powered by the combined use of renewables and energy and information technologies. 

The traditional system and business model sees energy as a commodity, whereas the new Energy as a Service solution turns generation and provision of energy into a customer-centric service at a fixed fee.

This disruption has been enabled thanks to the changes happening over the years:

  • Falling costs of energy and information technologies,
  • Changes in regulations that shift the rights and role of the end-customer in the energy markets. This transforms the end-customer from a passive one into an active participant. As such, the consumer has the right to control both their consumption and their production of energy. As well as the right to be paid a fair market price for doing so, and
  • Creation of innovative and future-oriented business models.

The EaaS model allows the residential, commercial or industrial customers to have energy provided to them as a service at a fixed fee instead of a unit cost. This becomes possible when the contractor optimizes the customer site by installing energy management controls, more efficient equipment such as heating or cooling units, and on-site solar power systems. 

The NEO Energy-as-a-Service solution

Currently, Optimeyes, in collaboration with Resilience Energy (AI driven R-platform), Joule Assets, and Pure Drive Energy (VPP storage controls) is developing the NEO Energy-as-a-Service solution.

Version 1.0 was launched at WebSummit in Lisbon on 6th November 2019. At a moment, Optimeyes is raising up to £5 million to develop the next releases of the platform.

Using AI algorithms and blockchain protocols, the New Energy Operating system will enable real-time integration and optimization of local and remote energy assets to serve one specific customer.

The decentralized assets and remote assets are managed under a flat fee. This enables business customers to predict their energy costs in advance taking control of their long term plans. In other words, the model provides the customer energy at a known cost with a single provider taking over all roles regarding energy (generation, distribution, system maintenance).

Optimeyes solutions and products

optimeyes solutions and products

Every service they provide is personalized, tailored, and designed to save their client’s money, rather than burdening their businesses with the new renewable energy technology.

Optimeyes shows businesses how and what they can reduce – bills, costs, but also their carbon footprint. Then, they show businesses how and what they can increase – efficiency, revenue, and brand equity.

With solutions like Energy Compliance and Energy Optimization, Optimeyes helps businesses find out how they can save money and manage their energy consumption more efficiently. 

Through their Energy Efficiency Programmes, the company defines a long-term energy management strategy. This, on one hand, helps their clients to better manage their energy infrastructure. And on the other, it eliminates inefficiencies and implements a strategy. Their strategy includes everything from equipment and installation to scheduling, funding and ongoing maintenance. 

Depending on the client, gained insights, analysis of the current energy consumption, and identification of actionable improvements, Optimeyes combines the right set of products to meet the client’s business needs and makes sure they achieve the maximum possible benefits.

Final thoughts

Using renewable energy sources should be a top priority and part of a long-term strategy for businesses of all sizes. This is not only for the sake of the profit. And not for customers who are becoming more aware of the impact their choices have on the environment. Rather, it also takes into account the future of our planet.

Optimeyes is an example of a company that supports the new generation of businesses with energy transition. As such, they are at the forefront of the new disruption called Energy as a Service. With the customer in their focus, Optimeyes is a brand that helps businesses meet the modern requirements and switch to future-proof energy solutions.

Marketing Manager, FourDots