Will Let You Know Where And What To Eat on Your iPhone and Android Device

3 min read,

How many times have you gone to the restaurant and didn’t know what to order? Or maybe you were surfing the menu of your local pizza shop not knowing what is worth your money? And if you’re a regular on Twitter somewhere around midnight, you’ve seen some food snapshots of people having midnight snacks.

If you found yourself in one of these questions, is a social network for you. It’s an application that enables you to share (with photos!) where you are and what food you ate. You can rate the meal and add some comments so your friends know what they should try.

Foursquare, Instagram,

Aside from sharing photographs of food your’re eating, allows you to rate the dishes and restaurants, as well as see what other people are recommending. Nosh basically answers the question – what’s good here?

(Image credit: iTunes) puts itself somewhere in between Foursquare and Instagram. There is a web interface where you can follow your friends, but the real power of the system comes from Nosh mobile application, available both on the iPhone (US Store only) and Android devices. In the food context, is more useful then Foursquare; where Foursquare can have a tip or two for a venue, is dedicated to one and will have tips and details about the whole menu, if restaurant is visited regularly, of course.

How To Cook… or Use

The application is pretty easy to use. Once you want to share what you’re eating, open the app and click Nosh. Take a picture, rate or add a description. The Nosh is somewhat equivalent to Foursquare’s Check-in button. If there is no place noshed yet, you can simply add one.

Within your profile you can have an insight into some statistics of your meals. How many reviews have you left or how many photos have you taken? Here comes the fun part; if you want to see what is the most noshed meal in your profile or what place you frequent the most, you’ll have to nosh some more to unlock the data!

Bon Appetit! is an app/network that will find its audience and users very quickly. The xix of location check-ins, pictures of food, rating and telling your social circle where you are right now sounds like a winning combination. Try it for yourself; download the app, register (or login via Facebook or Twitter) and start Noshing. Take your spouse out tonight! Also, you can get a .me domain for your startup with the .me development program.!

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