High Fashion Or Street Style – Mutzine.Me Has You Covered!

4 min read,

Fashion is really something that has been fascinating mankind for many years. It’s absolutely remarkable how you can pinpoint to an exact period of history and geographic region of someone, just by looking at the fashion that was worn then and there. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking ancient Rome or 19th century Japan, you can always know where the person lived from a photo.

The same fascination is present today, with a very large number of fashion magazines, television shows, blogs and websites that aim to bring all sorts of different types of fashion to the rest of us. Mutzine.Me is a Korean fashion webzine that aims to provide viewers with everything from high fashion to street style, and you should definitely check it out!

You see, not many people actually regard what they wear everyday as “fashion” but that truly is the case. Booming in the recent years, street fashion has become something that everyone seems to talk about, and nobody can actuallydefine. It’s really the simplest form of fashion, and it is composed of the trends that are worn, well, in the streets. Be it psychedelic imagery from the hippie era in the United States, or the indie and hipster culture of beards and checked shirts, street fashion is something we truly tend to take for granted. Of course, there’s a lot of blogs and websites devoted to it, but it’s the only type of fashion that we design ourselves. When you wake up in the morning and dress up the way you like, you are really creating fashion, and who knows,  some new trend perhaps?

Fashion Is Our Passion

Now that you know what street fashion is, let’s introduce you to Mutzine.Me, a Korean webzine aimed at bringing fashion and modern lifestyle to everyone. If you want to get an inside look on how the Korean fashion scene looks like, this is definitely the place to start.

The reason we talked about street fashion is that this blog tries to make fashion accessible to the masses, be it through in-depth interviews with people devoted to fashion or just by posting photographs of well-dressed people on their Instagram account. Mutzine.Me really does impress. From the runway to the regular people, you have it all in one place, and everything is based around the fashion scene in Korea.

Photograph by Emma Savage, courtesy of Mutzine.Me

It may come as a shock to you to find out that Seoul is shaping up to be the next fashion capital of the world. We all know that Paris is the place to be if you want to make it as a designer, or that you need to visit New York and London to get a taste of that great lifestyle of high fashion, but Korea is steadily going down the road of a fashion success as well.

You see, Korea is a country where fashion and culture are supported greatly, and it really shouldn’t come as no surprise to learn that the Korean government has highlighted fashion as an important force in exporting Korean culture around the world.

This is where magazines and webzines such as Mutzine.Me come into play.

By making Korean fashion accessible to both Koreans and the rest of the world, we get a glimpse of how it looks like in the world’s latest emerging fashion market. It’s pretty amazing that Mutzine.Me exists, because it really goes the extra mile to present itself as a great fashion site. Be it from the amazing Instagram photos, their photo articles that are photographed around the world, or simply the always updated and interesting fashion news section, Mutzine.Me is actively trying to teach you something about Korean culture while also teaching you about fashion.

Photo Courtesy of Mutzine.Me

It’s an amazing combo, don’t you think? You can read a brief history of Korean school uniforms and then jump to an article about Seoul Fashion Week with ease, and that ease of access and user-friendly content really keeps you coming back for more.

Fashion is something we’re all a part off. If you’re wearing clothes – you’re part of the street fashion. It’s easy like that. So if you’re fascinated by Korean fashion and culture, or just really love fashion and everything there is to know about it, visit Mutzine.Me!