News from Moment.ME: Now available on Android!

2 min read,

We already wrote about Moment.ME and today we have some news. The application is now available on Android (download it from Google Play Store)! Of course, it is still available on iTunes App Store if you’re on iOS and for some reason have not tried it out yet. (We can’t imagine why.)

What Moment.ME does?

Moment.ME is an application that will take all of your moments and connect them with the same moments from your friends’ lives, thus giving you an option of viewing one big collection of memories and pictures. picks up where photo sharing ends and gives you a complete 360-degree view your personal experiences as seen through your friend’s eyes. The app scans the web and gathers, matches and presents moments that are most relevant to your shared experiences.

You can combine not only photos, but also video, as well as updates from social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and Google+, into one album. The album will be filled with everything your friends posted about the event too. The more, the merrier!!

Manual mode – Android only

While the Android version has all the bells and whistles of the iPhone version, it’s not the same the other way around. You can manually create albums on Android. “Start a Moment” feature lets you start and title the album yourself, invite friends to contribute, apply photo filters, and upload photos directly from Android’s photo gallery. This option should be coming to the iOS version with the next update.

Check your privacy settings!

Make sure you check and adjust your privacy settings if you want to use this application. If they are too strict, your friends might not be able to see your photos, videos and updates. Moment.ME will respect the privacy settings you have on other social networking sites.

If you’re interested in how popular this app is, here’s some information from Moment.ME blog:

Coming into 2013 we’re seeing tremendous growth with more than one million moments created daily! That’s 1.2B pics taken by 180M people and joined together to create 120M moments from 7M different locations world-wide! We are proud to say that we’re one of the fastest growing communities on the web!

So have you downloaded it yet? Give it a try and tell us what you think!