Digital Sanctuary for Moms we’ve all been Waiting for

8 min read,

To be fully prepared for your parenting role and make sure everything is fine, you need to go for thorough medical checkups and do tons of research. And before you know it, your baby is here. No matter how perfect they are, nothing goes exactly as planned. Despite all your efforts, parenting will catch you off guard.

Let’s consider this scenario. You’re breastfeeding and you’re really trying to stay calm, but the things are off to a slow start. The doctor says that, if your baby goes on a nursing strike and starts losing weight, you’ll need to supplement with an infant formula. Not what you expected, right?

So, what do you do in such situations? Pull out your phone and ask the mighty Google to enlighten you, of course.

Today, with the rise of the internet and the social networking channels, we are provided with limitless health, lifestyle and parenting advice at a click of the mouse. Most importantly, in the era of hyperconnectivity, we can access this information instantly, via multiple devices, irrespective of our location. Given this fact, it’s not surprising at all that 75% of parents active on social media turn to these channels to look for parenting-related information and social support.

[su_box title=”Did you know that 70% of the website is freelance-written by the contributors with an extensive parenting experience?” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

But, how to know whether a particular piece of advice is reliable or not? Not every statistic you bump into while doing a research is correct. On the contrary, you will come across numerous opposing attitudes, most of which are accompanied by a dispute and a bit of judgment. Sorting through all this data is extremely stressful. Precisely because of this, you need to have a reliable source of information that covers a wide range of parenting tips, guiding you through all the stages of your parenthood.

That’s exactly when shines.

On our blog, we have already talked about this amazing website and the way it gives you brilliant parenting advice, as well as a chance to become a member of a broad mom community. Meanwhile, the site has been changed and optimized to offer you even better, authentic user experience. Here are some aspects of it we’d love to discuss today.

The Idea behind

Founded in 2012, on Mother’s Day, has become the first big site launched on the Whiskey Media publishing platform. The website started as a personal project, put together by a team of dedicated moms that strived to share their experience with the parents from all across the globe. It is their different approaches to parenting that helped them become leaders in their niche and build a massive online community. Most importantly, doesn’t serve as a parenting website solely. It also cherishes their readers as women, providing them with amazing lifestyle tips, and the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas and participate in numerous online and offline events.

Let’s see how all this works.

It’s your Trustworthy Source of Parenting Information

Did you know that 70% of the website is freelance-written by the contributors with an extensive parenting experience? In other words, it’s written by moms for moms. The mere fact that the content is created by the women that understand your problems and address them without judging you gives the website an authentic tone.

Namely, the main aim of is to talk to their readers more eloquently, by providing them with intelligent, thought-provoking articles that would help them through any dilemma or challenge they might face. To help its users find the content they’re interested in quickly, the site divides the parenting section into two major sections: 1) Pregnancy, providing mothers-to-be with the information on each pregnancy stage, from the month-by-month description of the fetal development, to the facts and tips related to the delivery, and 2) Kids, which is further subdivided into more specific categories, based on the child’s age:

  • Baby
  • Toddler
  • Little Kid
  • Tween
  • Teen

Apart from the essays written from the authors’ point of view, the website also covers the latest news and researches on the buzz-worthy topics, such as mom’s health during the pregnancy and after giving birth, autism, breastfeeding, and vaccination.

… but also a Lifestyle Guide

How often do you feel like a hamster on a wheel? Your everyday life is filled to the brim with tons of obligations, from getting the kids to school on time, keeping track of doctor appointments and remembering after school clubs to doing laundry and preparing healthy meals. So, when do you make some time for yourself? Probably when everyone else goes to bed, if you don’t fall asleep first, of course.

Sadly, it’s 100% true.

[su_box title=”The main aim of is to talk to their readers more eloquently, by providing them with intelligent, thought-provoking articles that would help them through any dilemma or challenge they might face. ” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small left”][/su_box]

Namely, a recent study has found that an average mother has roughly 17 minutes of “me time” on a daily basis, while the half of the women surveyed pointed out that they don’t have time for their own hobbies. However, to truly enjoy parenthood and make the most of it, you should never forget that, apart from being a mother, you are a human being with an actual job and specific needs, interests, and problems. That’s exactly what is trying to highlight.

Even though many see it as a parenting website, it doesn’t limit your interests to your life as a parent only. Instead, it offers you some amazing lifestyle tips, teaching you how to juggle your children’s needs, jobs and housework more efficiently, keep up with the latest fashion trends and use your spare time more productively.

The Lifestyle section on the website covers the following categories:

  • Food
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Entertainment
  • Horoscopes
  • Pets
  • Home & DIY
  • Work & Career
  • Health

Club Momme Creates a Supportive Parenting Community

Parenting is always better when done together, and online mom communities are a brilliant way to answer questions, share experiences and support parents. This is exactly what founders had in mind when they acquired Club Momme in 2015.

Namely, Club Momme, an events arm of the website that has grown into a broad community of moms and expectant parents. By signing up for free, all members are allowed to participate in a wide range of giveaways, discounts, and deals. The club also throws numerous offline events that started in South California, but due to the growing number of members, have expanded all across the US. There are two major Family Fests organized each year, one in the spring and one in the fall, which welcome hundreds of families.

[su_box title=”Parenting is always better when done together, and online mom communities are a brilliant way to answer questions, share experiences and support parents. ” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

Additionally, Club Momme also throws educational and mom’s social events, where they can ask top pediatricians and fitness trainers for advice, get in touch with the very best baby brands and take a look at the latest gear.

Intuitive Website Design

In today’s highly competitive digital community, creating relevant content is not enough. To stand out from the sea of similar brands, both bloggers and marketers need to invest a great deal of time and effort into making their sites visually appealing. This is exactly what the founders of had in mind when they created their site. Here are several segments they did amazingly:

  • A short and easy-to-remember .ME domain name
  • Clearly defined search categories
  • Pleasant website colors
  • Viral videos that engage more readers. Namely, a recent survey points out that 59% of people questioned say that if they were offered both text and video on the same topic, they would go with the video.

The other thing that we’ve been trying to do is really differentiate ourselves, in terms of the aesthetic of the site. I think that most people are attracted to places and spaces that feel like a nice, calm, beautiful place to be, and a lot of the Web is not a calm, beautiful place to be. A lot of it is overcrowded, a lot of content spaces are throwing things in your face, Anne-Marie O’Neill, a co-founder of emphasized.

To Wrap it Up is an outstanding website, dedicated to spreading the joy of parenthood, offering amazing fellow mom advice and support parents when things get hard. Most importantly, this is a website that is tailored to their reader’s needs and expectations. This is exactly why it cannot be defined as a parenting blog only. As it strives to unleash your inner creativity and inspire you to appreciate yourself not only as a mom but also as a woman, it is more of a lifestyle website for moms. It is their innovative and authentic approach to motherhood that makes proud to stand behind

If you’re ready to take your parenting efforts to a whole new level, sign up with today!

Marketing Manager, FourDots