Making Your Content Stand Out – On Mobile First!

8 min read,

Did you know that more searches come to Google from mobile devices than from “regular” desktops and tablets? If you’re stunned by that information, you’re just the right person to be reading this article.

The number of smartphone users is growing at a very high rate every single year, and mobile devices are slowly but steadily taking the throne of importance for everyone related to the digital lifestyle, and also everyone in the world. The emergence of 4G mobile Internet, better quality of operating systems and overall more functionality has brought more and more importance to smartphones. They aren’t going away anytime soon, and you should really look to invest a little bit of your time to the development of mobile-friendly sites if you haven’t already, so you can grab a piece of that insanely profitable cake.

But let’s start from the top. Everyone who’s related to digital marketing in any way will undoubtedly tell you that mobile is king, and it truly is. What’s more important than that is that you have all of the right things set up so that your mobile traffic doesn’t suffer. There’s been a number of times that I personally tried finding something on a mobile phone and the site just wasn’t optimized for mobile devices. This led me to instantly close it and decide to either look at it on my desktop or not to look at it at all. It’s that simple.

My personal experience might not be applicable to everyone, but it surely does show the habits of today’s consumers. These people are looking at their phones a lot, and you as a company need to be able to use it to your advantage.

Optimization For Everyone!

The first thing to do is of course to optimize everything. As I’ve said earlier, you can’t even begin to think about content marketing on mobile if your mobile site isn’t well made. Your site, in general, needs to be responsive, good looking and adaptable to any and all devices that can visit it, be that Samsung phones, or Apple devices, everyone needs to have the same great experience.

That’s why you need to look into making your site better optimized, something that’s not really hard, just needs a little bit of work in WordPress or a similar CMS system. Some themes even come with their own versions for mobile and adapt instantly, so there’s really no excuse to have your site looking like it’s 2005.

Now get this: You have a responsive mobile site or blog about any topic that you choose, but what now? The first thing to look for when upgrading your site to look better on mobile and in turn make your viewers more interested is really the basic thing about any blog or site, and that is the text. Well, not just ANY text, of course. When you view content on mobile, the titles that might look great on a desktop might be too long on mobile and even take up the entire screen on a smartphone with a smaller screen (iPhone SE, we’re looking at you!).

We’ve already written a lot about mobile, and you should definitely read more about mobile conversion in out short guide about Conversion Optimization and our more comprehensive, expert advice on Conversion Optimization , as well as our Small Business Guide that also tells a few things about how you could use mobile platforms to engage broader audiences

Short And Sweet

That’s why you should always aim to make your headlines tastefully long, which means they don’t span across two rows of text on a desktop and infinite rows on mobile. We know it can be challenging, but once you get the hang of it, you’re all set. This is important because it’s becoming evident that mobile users generally have less patience to deal with “boring” content than desktop users. Long headlines get lost on people because they find it difficult to concentrate on long walls of text while scrolling to get to your content.

In short : write shorter titles.

Once your titles are as great as they can be, you need to think about your articles themselves. While you might have the comfort of having large amounts of screen space when your site is viewed on the desktop when things go mobile they often leave a lot to be desired in terms of space. That’s precisely why you need to think outside the box when you’re arranging articles on your page. People will often only tap on an article that they deem interesting from the first few sentences that are shown to them on your page because there’s mostly only one article on the screen at any given time.

Grab That Attention While It’s Hot

Instead of letting people scroll through your site, you should aim to make the articles you feature stand out more than just with the title. You should also make them more attention-grabbing with the smart writing of the first few sentences and a great artwork. It might seem small, but trust us that there’s a lot of these smaller things that actually make for a great browsing experience.

So now that people actually clicked on your article, there’s one more thing. The article itself needs to be written in a mobile-friendly way. This is probably when you get puzzled and ask why are we talking about that when we said that the site needs to be mobile friendly? Well, fear not, dear reader. A desktop article can get away with more things than a mobile one can. It’s pretty simple, if the mobile paragraphs are long and uninteresting, they can cause your viewers to lose concentration really early and close the article. But what if you write shorter paragraphs?

Think about it this way, if the paragraph is shorter, the information that you’re giving to the consumer is spread out across multiple little blocks of information, and smaller bits of info are much easier to process when you’re on the go, right? By just pressing the enter key a little bit more, you can make your article much more interesting and easier to read without actually sacrificing anything in terms of your original content that you’ve worked so hard to produce.

The Letter With The News

And lastly, there’s a thing that isn’t strictly connected to mobile devices but works amazingly well on them. IT makes your viewers more engaged, brings you better ROI and everyone gets happy. We’re talking about newsletters. While not mobile-centric per se, newsletters really need to be optimized for mobile as well as your site. Of course, if you’re not yet sending out a newsletter to your audience, you should really stop waiting and do it right away. There’re numerous types of newsletters, for example, the ones that tease upcoming content, or the ones that just give you a recap of everything that has been done on the site in the days since the last newsletter.

The point of this is to keep your audience as engaged as possible and to do that you really need to step up your newsletter design. They need to be as mobile-friendly as possible so that when you send them out, they open as well on mobile devices as they do on the big screens of smart tvs and desktop PCs. If your viewers prefer mobile platforms, you should really provide the entire package for it, from your site to your newsletters. You’ll surely be happy with the results, trust us.

There you go, tips that will actually help you are the best kind of tips if you ask us. We hope that this article helps you make the mobile-friendly content marketing strategy of your dreams and that you’ll grasp all of the merits of going mobile-first. The rise of usage of mobile devices is a trend that’s here to stay, and everyone that doesn’t jump on this ride will surely have a lot of problems with their business, especially if the business is strictly online-only.

So get up and optimize everything that needs to be optimized, and make those mobile users as happy as they are when they’re browsing Twitter or Snapchat on their smartphones.

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