.MErry Christmas and 3 Little Holiday Tasks

2 min read,

First of all, merry Christmas from the .Me domain and editorial teams who wish you lots of bandwidth and even more awesome (.me ;)) domains that you got under your Christmas tree. Snow is falling and your sites aren’t, so that’s fantastic! Since you don’t want to be reading long posts on Christmas and the mornings after, we’ll keep it short this time – with 3 little tasks that could have put you on the naughty or nice list:

  • 1. Email Greetings while spamming all your contacts, be it friends or business partners, with the same email for Christmas could be a bit naughty…
    • …but it’s very nice if you personalized each and every email for the person on the other side of the email wire 🙂
  • 2. Tweet about the Presents You Want to Recieve withouth giving some cute and original stuff to the people that mean the most in your life. Not because you have to, but because you know it will make them smile and know someone’s watching out for them – and that’s you!
  • 3. Write a Christmas Blog Post with just a big smile might seem cute,
    • …but putting a list of some even nice things to do for Christmas is actually useful 😉 Good we thought of it!

Now, go on and enjoy the rest of your holiday!