Have a .MErry Christmas, dear friends! :)

Dear .ME fans and readers,
We hope that you’re enjoying Christmas with your loved ones in a festive mode while resting after a year full of interesting projects and activities. Unlike other days, we won’ be publishing a number of great articles on how to build your brand or create the next best personal website.
Instead, we’re going to give you the gift of getting some rest on this day. So sit back, relax, get some eggnog or some mulled wine – and enjoy Christmas. From the .ME team to you and your friends, family and team – have a MErry Christmas!
Your .ME team!
If you, however, are a crazy, geeky reader who has just finished Christmas dinner and wants to geek out for the holiday weekend, we’ll have you covered with a few ideas you can do to work on your website and internet identity. No rest for the wwwicked, right? 😉
1. Write a nice Christmas post about what you love about – well – Christmas and find the things or the traditions that you might be used to, that are new to other people – like us at the .Me team!
2. While I’m sure you’ve sent out cards and gotten gifts for the special people in your life, try to take 10-15 minutes and think of someone who has helped you in the past year, but who you haven’t met yet in real life. Your internet friend that you always tweet out to or chat with. Since you apparently won’t be seeing them for Christmas – send them a virtual merry Christmas and explain how special they are to you even if they haven’t met you yet personally.
3. Get all the Christmas photos and selfies you made today (yes, you have – don’t like! You LOVE selfies) and create a holiday gif or video with apps such as Directr or the various iPhone and Android GIF creation apps. You know you want to!
4. You have a couple of hours to spare? Give the gift of your time. You’ve been busy all year ‘round so I’m sure that your parents, kids or significant other will appreciate you spending that time with them. Even if it’s on Skype or Viber video. Go on, the web won’t go away.
MErry Christmas :* 🙂