Meet Ramin – Designer with a Goal to Beat Expectations

5 min read,

It is a ghastly looking morning as I type the story about Ramin Nasibov. The city outside my window took on every shade of grey with a tint of a long-gone summer, and I can hardly admit that all seasons and states of being have something worth admiring. But then, one look at Ramin’s portfolio and Instafolio, and my point of view has changed forever.

A couple of years ago, Ramin took international media by storm with his vibrant urban photography. On his social media profile, he represented the city of Berlin in a new and colourful way. The focus of his project were hidden patterns in buildings that he never noticed before, but after his eye caught pockets of colour hiding among the city’s grey skyline, Berin had a whole new feel to it. He turned to his Instafolio and described his project as minimal, symmetrical, and colourful. But there is so much more to Ramin you should know. A designer and art director behind Nasibov.ME website, Ramin strives to exceed any expectations we have of him. 

Here’s why you should definitely take note of Ramin. 

A Little Something About Ramin Nasibov and His Work

a little something about ramin nasibov and his work

Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, but Berlin, Germany based, Ramin, is a designer and art director specializing in branding, UI/UX design, design for social media, packaging design and related visual communications. His clients range from all over the world, and you shouldn’t be surprised if you come across a well-known name or two. 

Ramin’s work is best described as rich with vibrant details, yet accentuated with simple lines and elegant typographies. The guiding principles of his work are colourful architecture, minimalism and symmetry. His creative solutions provide an answer to problems faced by both local and international brands. 

What Can Ramin Teach Us About Personal Website

what can ramin teach us about personal websites

A secret to establishing yourself at any given field revolves around strengthening your online presence. This, however, doesn’t refer solely to social media platforms, but more importantly to a personal website.

Think of a personal website as a collection of your best work. A go-to place when someone asks what you do and if you have some work to show them. This is the 24/7 available CV that you can update accordingly. Having a personal website means owning the content you create. Every visual you share and every word you write belongs only to you. You can control how it looks and the way others can approach you. But as with everything, there are good and bad ways to represent yourself online. 

Nasibov.ME is one of those great examples of how your personal website should look like. 

How Homepage can Leave a Lasting Impression 

what can ramin teach us about personal website

No one can argue with the following: Your homepage is your virtual front door. This means that the content you choose to feature on your homepage, as well as its layout, will affect the way a user interacts with the entire website. After all, a carefully designed homepage attracts most of your website’s traffic, affects your conversion rates, and speaks volumes about you and/or your business. 

Look at Nasibov.ME website. The moment you visit the website, you are greeted with a carefully curated selection of Ramin’s best work. Hover over the image or animation and you’ll find basic information about the project. Should that spark your interest, finding more about the given project along with a process behind it, is just a click away.

Ramin’s personal website is not only easy to navigate, but it also propels you to search and explore more. 

The importance of About Me page

The about page is your chance to introduce yourself to your target audience. It allows you to take charge of how the audience will perceive you. A common misconception when it comes to the landing page is that you have to talk about yourself. On the about page you can shortly introduce yourself, just like Ramin did, and then introduce the audience with the work you do. Here you can also list your most prominent clients, and if you get a chance, link to all the media you’ve been featured in or projects you’ve been involved in.

Wear More Hats Than One? Sort Out Your Portfolio!

Some time ago, we’ve spoken about the importance of keeping your portfolio organised. After having selected the best projects that represent his best work on the homepage, Ramin opted to create separate pages for Logofolio, Appfolio, and Postfolio. All three of these represent different spheres of the work he does. This way, it is easy for the visitor to navigate through your website, but also to choose what interests them the most.
At the end of each page, Ramin has carefully placed a CTA urging you to contact him should have a project you need help with. 

One Last Thing

one last thing

The power of a personal website is undeniable. Not only it helps you look more professional, but it also has a way of opening the doors when you least expect it. So, what else to say, but awesome job Ramin! Here at .ME, we are really proud that you’ve chosen to be the part of our .MEr family!