.Me: The Fastest Growing Domain Name in Europe!

2 min read,

Guess which domain name is the fastest growing of all European ccTLDs?! Yes, you guessed right – it’s your very own .Me! The data has been revealed in the latest Centr DomainWire Stat report for Autumn 2012.

The Centr is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the interest of ccTLD (country code top level domain) managers and it wants to promote and help develope the highest standards as well as best possible practices among ccTLD Registries like .Me. The Centr’s latest report focuses particularly on European domains, as reported by DomainWire!

The report shows that the .Me domain name has achieved the highest growth in terms of percentage in Europe, followed by .cy (Cyprus), .hu (Hungary), .cz (Czech Republic) and .es (Spain). The data from the report is gathered from a numbert of well known sources: the Centr itself, LACTLD, APTLD, AFTLD, Hosterstats, Internetworldstats as well as VeriSign’s Industry report.

Growing .Me, eh? (from Centr's report for Autumn 2012.)

Reading the report reveals some interesting information on European country domain names. For example, the average renewal rate in 2011. based on a sample of 20 ccTLDs was 77.8%, higher that the 73% average for .com and .net domain names. A couple of other stats:

  • The average private to commercial registration ratio is 40/60;
  • There are an average of 11.2 characters in a domain name.

The report clearly shows .Me’s growth in 2012. that makes us very proud and very happy. In that, we’re glad to have contribute at least a bit to the 9.2% growth of European ccTLDs in the last year! You can download the Centr DomainWire Stat Report for Autumn 2012. for free at the Centr’s website.