.ME Is Celebrating Its 15th Anniversary! 

3 min read,

.ME is so much more than just a domain extension. 

It’s an online home, your digital signature, and the perfect foundation for personal branding. It’s also a call-to-action and a domain hack that has helped global brands establish their online presence in unique and memorable ways

As we celebrate 15 Years of .ME, it’s the perfect time to reflect on .ME and what it means for your online presence. 

And to mark the occasion, we’re excited to announce amazing deals on .ME domains and a special online contest.

But, more on that later! First, let’s talk about the impact .ME has made in the past 15 years.

How Our Story Began

Our story started 15 years ago, in 2008, when the .ME extension went into general availability and the very first .ME domain was registered

More domains followed and in the first 24 hours alone, over 50,000 domains were registered.

Currently, the number of registered .ME domains is almost 1.2 million.

.ME quickly swept the world, and continues to do so. In fact, a huge milestone has been reached just recently, when .ME celebrated over 1 million registered domains. Currently, the number is almost 1.2 million .ME domains, with registrants coming from 200 countries all around the world. Businesses and individuals alike use .ME as a home in the digital world.

Read more: .ME Celebrated Million Registered Domains

Who Uses .ME 

Leading global brands turned to .ME to enhance their relationship with their customers and followers and make it more personal. 

.ME got picked up by the likes of Facebook, PayPal and WordPress. These used .ME to create domains like fb.me, paypal.me and wp.me.

.ME got picked up by the likes of Facebook, PayPal and WordPress, which used .ME to create memorable domains like fb.me, paypal.me and wp.me.

In addition to large companies, a lot of startups develop their business on .ME using the enxtension’s ability to create a memorable domain hack. 

Take Ele.ME as an example. Currently the largest food delivery service in China, the story of Ele.ME began when two students decided to start their own food delivery service. They registered ele.me, which roughly corresponds to a Chinese phrase meaning “Are you hungry?. And after a few years, the startup got acquired by Alibaba. Similarly, fra.me, a startup focused on enabling any application to run in a browser from the cloud, utilized the power of a .ME domain hack and eventually caught the eye of Nutanix and joined their cloud infrastructure. 

Finally, the .ME extension is used by individuals who want to build a branded online presence on a personal domain. With .ME, individuals can create an online personal brand that’s both unique and memorable.

Read more: 4 Lessons We Can Learn from .ME Unicorn Startups

Celebrating The 15th Anniversary: Contest + Discounts On .ME Domains

To mark our 15th anniversary, we want to express our gratitude to the .ME community and celebrate our birthday in a fun and meaningful way. That’s why we’re excited to announce a special online contest, as well as amazing discounts on .ME domains!

The contest features some aweso.ME prizes such as a M2 MacBook Air and Amazon gift cards. The rules are quite simple, and everyone is invited to participate

It’s starting soon, so be sure to sign up here to be notified. 

Data Analyst, Alicorn