.ME Interviews Sonar.ME

1 min read,

It is a second days at TC Disrupt and .ME team found some time for a short interview with Sonar.ME, a Startup Battlefield contestants. It is actually the only Startup on .ME domain battling, but judging by the round of applause they got after the presentation they could advance to the final round.

Sonar is a mobile application that shows you how you are connected to the other people in the room. Brett, one of the founders, claims it is magical. We checked it out and it seems that it really is! At the yesterday party we entered the club and were immediately notified that our Facebook friend’s friend was there.  Yes, sonar.me connects you to the relevant people in the room by analyzing social their networks data.

Here is the interview with the co-founder (again it was shot with two iPhones and an android):(