.Me Domain Auction @ May 24th: The Day You’ll Get the Domain(s) You Really, Really Want

2 min read,

Got a great web service or website that needs a unique and memorable domain name? Then mark your calendar for Thursday, May 24th and another exiciting .Me auction featuring more than 180 domain names to chose from!

In the now traditional partnership with Sedo, the leading online domain marketplace and monetization provider, the .Me Registry is offering premium keywords ideal for your business. Whether you’re a veteran looking to freshen up your brand, or a newcomer in the start-up world, we’re sure you’ll find something to your liking.

Just imagine the possibilities of domain names such as DVD.Me, Camera.Me, Tunes.Me or Apartments.Me – I’ve just typed them out, and they’re already confined to the depths of my memory. To see the list at SEDO and add domains to your watch list go to Sedo’s dedicated .Me domain name page! You know you want them.

Why .ME?

Like you don’t know already 🙂

  • Because .MEmorable sells, and .ME is personal, catchy and memorable – a triple threat to your competition! Also, if you’ve never bid in a domain auction, this is the perfect time to start;
  • As a .ME domain name user, you’ll be in extremely good company, with the likes of Facebook (fb.me), WordPress (wp.me), About.Me and Visa Inc. (v.me) and numerus small business that are already using .ME domains to stand out from the crowd… ;
  • Not to mention that, once you have a successful domain name to go with your successful business, you can count on the .ME team to write, blog, post, tweet and share news about your service just like we’ve consistently done in the past.

Ladies and gentlemen, mark your calendars for May 24th and let us know which domain name you have your eye on! Yeah, it starts very, very soon.

Former Community Manager, .ME Registry