.ME Aftermarket: No Slowing Down In 2011
From the aftermarket point of view 2010 was a great year for .ME domain names. It started with personal names auction on Namejet in April, followed by Snap Names auction in May and finally big Sedo auction organized in November. There were some really high winning bids for names such as Like.ME ($ 26 500), Contacts.ME ($ 15 600), Click.ME ($ 17 200) etc., which significantly contributed to raising awareness about the ease of branding with .ME and added value to .ME domains in general. Upon release of the initial aftermarket results at DNjournal with judge.me ($ 7820) holding the 8th place in the overall ccTLDs sales .ME will likely continue with the positive aftermarket trend.Other mentionable .ME sales include shapeup.me ($ 2 550), anonymous.me ($ 2 500), xplore.me ($ 1 250), testosterone.me ($ 1 000).