[Making Your Own Website] Easy Way out Solution with .ME and name.com

3 min read,

You’ve been told again and again that having a personal website or having your business online is the way to go today, but you’re still a bit hesitant to jump into unknown territory and commit to something that sounds like a lot of work.

Well, although you’re certainly not the only one feeling like this, the process of creating a website can actually be very easy, if you know which tools to use.

For several years I have been told that having a personal website could really help me with my future and potential job employment. I’ve always agreed and thought it was a good idea to have a personal website, but I haven’t decided to actually go through with making one until now because of the time I thought it would take to set it up. Turns out, I was wrong!

Since I started interning with .ME I found a variety of options one has to establish their personal brand online, starting with having a domain of your own. Today, we are bringing in one more.

.ME partnered up with name.com to offer you a one-year registration of .ME domain of your choice with a first-month free website builder for just $5.99!

Breaking the Imaginary Barrier

This proved to be the push I needed. Once I decided to knock down the self-imposed barrier of starting my own website, name.com’s website builder made it easy to begin! The biggest value they offer is in the fact that you need no coding or design knowledge to make the personal website you always wanted. You choose one of more than 30 available templates, and go on selecting the features you want.

Big plus? Everything is so easy to customize and make your own.

What you get with Name.com's Website Builder

Jump on the Bandwagon

Once this deal hits the web, which should be right about the time you will be reading this, I will be acting on this offer fast and creating a how-to tutorial with instructions of how I built my personal website using their stress-free services, just for you! So stay tuned.

I’ve already started thinking about what I’m going to include on my website. Since I will be creating a personal website, I want my website to come off as professional but also show my fun and easy-going personality. I want potential new employers to get to know me beyond a piece of paper. I love taking pictures and traveling, so I’ll be sure to include a section about that. The possibilities are truly endless.

Having a personal website or online business has the potential to be anything that you want it to be, so what do you have to loose… especially when the offer that .ME and name.com cooked in their kitchen is an easy, simple and affordable option?