Make.Me: Challenge Yourself and Your Friends to Make Your Lives a Little Better

3 min read,

So much to do, so much you want to do but keep postponing because of other obligations or because you have something on your mind, and, proverbially, so little time. You know what always helps? Friends. Sometimes they help you procrastinate, but with Make.Me friends are the one who dare you to get things done. Make.Me is an iPhone game you play with your friends to do things you want to do, but keep setting aside. Maybe you want to freeclimb, learn how to decoupage, read a good book or just stop and smell the roses, Make.Me App and your friends will help you with that. slika   Here’s how it works:

Pick an action

This should be something you really want to do, but never find the time for. No, not doing your taxes or cleaning the gutters- unless you are really into that. Maybe you want to start running, read to your kids more, anything goes. Select how many times per week you will actually do it and for how many weeks- this is a challenge you set for yourself.

Pick a Consequence

A consequence is something that you will make happen if you dont meet your goal. No chocolate for a week, no Facebook for a day (or maybe actually doing your taxes and cleaning the gutters- if you are no tinto that).

Pick your team

Remember, this is a multiplayer game and your team is there to back you up. But since you are not Borg and have different plans and wishes and different activities you never have the time for, everybody gets to pick their own action. What activities you pick, how often and for how long is completely up to you- there are no rules here or unflexible predefined categories. It doesn’t matter if you live next door or on the opposite poles of the globe, you will still make a kick-ass team on Make.Me.

Just Play

Everybody on the team gets to either check their action after completing it or mark an off day. If just one team member, however, fails to either register a day off or do their due, the whole team has to own up and face the consequences…and upload a photo to prove it! To keep this from happening, you can motivate one another through comments or fistbumps in the app, or share your results on Facebook. But it doesn’t stop here- there is also a set of action cards you can use to save a friend from a sticky situation, challenge them to do better or mess with your team mates. The great thing about this game is that even if you have to face the consequences, you win– not in the game, but in life. Either way you got to hang out with your friends and challenge them, as well as your self, and even if you didn’t fulfill your quota, you probably did better then you would have if you had never played.